Thursday, 28 January 2021

Tome Thursday: To Selena, With Love

Hello everyone!
As you can see, I'm wrapping this week up with another Selena appreciation blog post, this time with the book I picked up right after New Year's and probably devoured within a day or two.
Then again, I kind of wanted to read it before going into the television show, so I'd know some of what to expect!
And I have to tell you, it's good.
It's nothing complicated, it's nothing dramatic, and a lot of people might not find it interesting because it doesn't cover any massive, bombastic situations, but mostly Selena's normal, day-to-day life, specifically later after her marriage to her husband and how they went about their days.
I, personally, loved it.
And it's a different kind of pain to read about the husband's feelings after his wife is murdered. I think I bawled my eyes out over that chapter.
Anyway, this book needs no more introduction, so let's check out To Selena, With love, by her widower, Chris Perez.

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Talkie Tuesday: Selena, the Series


"If you're too busy thinking about where you're going,

you don't really have a chance to enjoy the ride."

Hello everyone!
I've been binge watching like mad these past few weeks.
I also somehow managed to do something to my stomach in between, or I contracted something from my dad who had a similar thing happen to him last week or so, which has made me miserable as all get-out for a day or so but it LOOKS like I'm on the mend, finally!
And what else are you going to do when you're feeling poorly but binge watch, I ask you?
It's just one of those things, though tonight's blog post has been finished much, much earlier.
See I've now discovered Netflix, and this is dangerous. LOL
After finishing up Bridgerton I moved on to the other show I really wanted to see (there's a few more on there but I'll be taking my time with those), so I switched easily and just went through it in about ... was it two or three days? Something like that.
But then I've always been a sucker for good music.
Selena, the Series has that in spades!

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Tome Thursday: The Gatekeeper of Pericael

Hello everyone!
This week's book blog is an absolute gem.
Because every once in a while in your life, you get extremely lucky.
I'm fortunate enough that, about a year ago last year, I was contacted through Goodreads by the lovely, lovely Hayley Reese Chow asking if I'd like to read the ARC for her upcoming fantasy book.
I said yes.
And towards the end of 2020, she reached out once again, with another fantasy book, except this one is geared more towards middle graders, but keep in mind that I don't really know these rankings all that well because I'm not American.
I do know that when the protagonist is 12 though, that it's PROBABLY meant for a fairly specific audience haha.
But don't worry! It's an absolute blast to read even if you're an adult. So let's open the door and check out The Gatekeeper of Pericael.

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Talkie Tuesday: Bridgerton


"All is fair in love and war."

Hello everyone!
So continuing on with this month's trend, here's another series overview and recap from me to you, this time of one that dropped right at the tail end of 2020.
In the hopes of alleviating some truly awful moments of the year, Netflix gave us the Regency centered love story by Julia Quinn, and although there hasn't been any word yet about whether or not a season two is forthcoming, I think it's safe to say it might be.
After all, from all that can be seen and heard, this show was the most watched on Netflix at this time and it's saying a lot!
Make sure your stays are all in the proper position and that your tiaras aren't askew on top of your head.
It's time to be presented at court for the new season and to find a match.
In other words, its time for Bridgerton.

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Tome Thursday: A Paradox of Fates

Hello everyone!
I'm finally finding my reading groove again and going through some left-over books from right at the tail end of 2020 that I postponed in favour of some holiday ones, and I am enjoying myself a heck of a lot.
Then again, when there's SO MANY fantastic choices on BookSirens, you really don't need to worry about anything but having enough time in the day to read them all.
The chance of getting free ARCs is that much more appreciated nowadays with the entire world so topsy-turvy, and I can definitely see the appeal and the wonder of it all as I go along. Tonight's choice was actually one I thought would be fairly light-hearted and maybe full of romance, but in the end it turned out not to be and became even better than that!
When someone says time travel, you usually think Outlander, for obvious reasons, but this one has something else up its sleeve.
Because we're in the future, fifty or so years in the future, actually, and the world isn't remotely what we remember and know.
A Paradox of Fates is the first in a trilogy, and boy oh boy is it an explosive start!

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Talkie Tuesday: The Mandalorian


"This is the way.

Hello everyone!

If you're looking at the poster image of tonight's blog post and thinking to yourself 'oh man, this looks cool!' ... I will agree with you.

Because it IS cool.

When the show premiered in 2019 there was a lot of anticipation riding on its shoulders because of all the discourse surrounding Star Wars, Disney, and the Sequel Trilogy. I won't be getting into that in this post, but suffice to say fans were skeptical, thinking that they would once again be let down.

And then Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni delivered.

They delivered BIG TIME.

With 2020 being the way it was, I suppose it would be fair to assume that, well, we needed something as good as this. We really, truly needed to lose ourselves in a galaxy far, far away.

And season two of the critically acclaimed show The Mandalorian came and went with a bang.

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Tome Thursday: Siren's Call

Hello everyone!
While I already have a bunch of books I'm currently going through - as I normally read more than one at any single moment in time, given I'm a voracious reader to begin with - the first one I actually read and finished on my 2021 roster was a bit of a left-over from 2020.
As I've said before, I'm a member on BookSirens, a growing community of writers and reviewers where you can browse through BUNCHES of ARCs and pick and choose which ones you want to read.
It really is that simple.
The only rule of thumb is that you can only start off with one book and need to read it within a given time frame, but as most of those frames are about three months long, I'm pretty sure anyone can meet the deadlines. Once you've proven yourself as faithful, the number of books you can pick increases, and away you go!
I usually have at least three books borrowed from BookSirens at any given time because there's just SO MANY FANTASTIC works and authors on there. And tonight's blog pick is one of those.
I did download it before the holidays started, but in the end needed to wait until after to finally start reading it.
I don't regret it being my first 2021 pick, however. Siren's Call is just that good.

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Talkie Tuesday: His Dark Materials


"Once you understand something, you can master it."

Hello everyone!
Happy New Year!
Hopefully this will be a much better one than the one we've just gone through, and in the vein of that hope I am kick-starting all the blog posts on here with something really great.
There's a bunch of things to watch if you need something to distract yourself during lockdowns and quarantine, mind, but I suppose there are a few stand-outs even so, despite the fact that it's numerous all around.
But when BBC teams up with HBO, you really need to pay attention.
Philip Pullman's trilogy already sparked controversy back in the day when it was first published and it's getting right back on track with that now with the television adaptation, but I mean, did we expect anything else at all? In this day and age?
So sit back and relax as we take a look at the second season of His Dark Materials.