Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Talkie Tuesday: Major League


"Well then I guess there's only one thing left to do: win this whole f-ing thing.

Hello everyone!

And welcome to the randomest choice of movie for the review ever.

See, this is what happens when my family decides we're going to have a movie night, and ends up watching something as old as I am.

Oh yeah, this movie came out in 1989.

And by the way, they still made movies you could actually call movies back in those days. What I mean by that is that they FEEL realistic with the vocabulary people use, the actions taken, and the fact they're legitimately focusing on the plot rather than any political machination in the background.

I'm sure there were agendas even back then, but there's certainly none of that WOKE stuff.

I'm telling you, that's the worst that could ever happen honestly.

So forget about it for a second and grab your baseball caps, because we're headed back to Major League and trying to figure out how the circus won the cup.

Saturday, 28 January 2023

Thursday, 26 January 2023

Tome Thursday: Court of Tricksters

Hello everyone!
No, despite the title of this blog post, this is not in fact a review of a Sarah J. Maas book, even if it sounds remarkably like it could be.
It's definitely all about the title of the book. The author has so much fame attached to her through her A Court of Thorns and Roses series, that it's difficult to really pull our minds away from the topic and cover something else.
But we're doing exactly that tonight!
See, I randomly ran into an ARC in one of the emails BookSirens sent me that I thought might be a book I'd love.

And I did enjoy it, up to a point.

There were some minor issues with it, but overall I'd say it at the very least hooked me so that I'm intrigued as to what comes next.

I shouldn't prattle anymore and instead just give you the review, right? We're talking Court of Tricksters tonight.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Talkie Tuesday: God of War Ragnarök


"Fate only binds you if you let it. Do what is necessary; not because it is written."

Hello everyone!
And welcome once again to another video game summary.
You may remember that I love to do this every once in a while, if I find a game that I truly like and fall in love with.
And HOO boy!
I fell in love with this one.
So much so that I'm watching the gameplay on Youtube for the third or fourth time in a row right now.
Yeah, I know. It's an obsession at this point, but it's a good kind of obsession and you can't tell me you wouldn't be feeling the same way, or that you aren't.
This game maybe didn't win Game of the Year, but it won the highest number of awards anyway, and between the story, the score, the vocal performances, and general roundup, I'm reasonably sure that it's a fitting ending to the Norse Saga.
What am I talking about, you ask? Why, God of War Ragnarök, of course!

Thursday, 19 January 2023

Tome Thursday: Time's Orphan

Hello everyone!
I bring you something good.
Something really, REALLY good!
Remember how, every once in a while on this blog, I'd toss up the review of a really good fantasy book that tells the story of three people blessed with magic - fire magic, shadow magic, healing magic - and then it would all disappear again?
Well, I'm back with it, baby!
And guess what?
We made it to the end.
That's right, tonight's book is the final in the Odriel's Heirs trilogy, so you best believe that it brought its A-game to the show, and what an A-game it was!
I've said this before but I'll say it again: some books just stick with you.
Time's Orphan is going to stick with you for a long, long time.

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Talkie Tuesday: Blood Origin


"True sacrifice comes from within."

Hello everyone!
Well if I'd timed this one I might have even posted it almost exactly to the day when the series was released, and wouldn't that be timing on my part?
But as it happened, I wanted to talk about it tonight.
And boy, do I have things to say to people.
Particularly because it feels like things that aren't as bad as everyone make them seem are getting review-bombed all over the place.
Not to mention all this woke going around ... I'm sorry, who gave anyone else the right to tell other people what they should or shouldn't like?
This world is going crazy, I'm telling you, if it isn't already halfway or more than halfway there.
Anyway, before I go completely on a tangent, I suppose I should actually start talking about the topic of tonight's blog post.
The Witcher: Blood Origin was a Christmas gift, and to me it keeps on giving.

Thursday, 12 January 2023

Tome Thursday: Love's Misbehaving Magic

Hello everyone!
And welcome to another year filled with fun (or hopefully fun) book reviews.
We're starting off with a conclusion to a trilogy because I finished this one right before New Year's - or right after, I can't quite remember at the moment.
In any event, it's a fun sort of short book that easily hooks you and gets you through an afternoon.
Besides, that's what we want, isn't it?
Happy, go-lucky and fun pieces to entertain ourselves with.
It isn't exactly rocket science, but it's definitely amusing.
I've read Heather Silvio before and I actually quite enjoy her writing style, so I may be circling back to some of her other works at some point or other.
But for the time being, let's check out on the witches, shall we?

Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Talkie Tuesday: His Dark Materials


"The final rebellion has begun."

Hello everyone!

Happy 2023!

It's been a bit since I last posted on here, mostly because even bloggers and vloggers need a break, am I right?

So I took mine and I'm feeling properly energized for another year reviewing things for everyone.

And to start things off, I have a real banger for us.

Now it's been a bit since the first two seasons aired, because thanks to the pandemic things got really shuffled around in production and whatnot, BUT THAT ASIDE, we definitely got the conclusion through December, and WOW.

That's all I can say, WOW.

Well alright, there's some minor details, but other than that ... His Dark Materials return one last time for a final send-off.