Hello everyone!
And here we are as February draws to a close, with the second half of a review that we began last week.
Have you enjoyed the book? I hope you have!
See here's the thing, as far as I can understand it: it was originally published as a duology but then edited and re-published as one single book written in two parts, which actually works in its favour, come to think of it.
Ms Andrews has released an actual duology earlier this year, but the problem there was that the second book certainly suffered from the fact that it was second.
It would have maybe been better if it had also been done like this one in the past.
But I don't claim to be an expert and certainly not on publishing methods, nor writing! In any event, I enjoy Ms Andrews' writing regardless, and so here we are.
Let's head back into the world of figure skating for another week, shall we?
Cold War is up, for a second time - and has nothing whatsoever to do with real life situations right now.