Thursday, 28 March 2019

Tome Thursday: The Last Command

Hello everyone!

Well, against overwelmind odds, I made it.

I honestly thought I was going to have to push this week's book post back a little because I'm currently neck-deep in a book translation, but apparently my brain can only take so much actual translating and I needed occasional breaks.

This meant jumping into hyperspace whenever I could.

And to be fair I think I ran through this book in three sittings, maybe four.

This brings me to an end of a trilogy which I'm super excited about because I often start reading a series and then it sort of falls by the wayside, and a year or so later I'm there like OH CRUD I SHOULD HAVE READ THIS ON.

Yeah, I'm like that.

But now enough about me, and more about what's happening across the stars.

The Last Command is calling for attention.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Talkie Tuesday: Love to the Rescue

"Get out of your head and into your heart."

Hello everyone!

I feel like I'd need a special sort of category on this blog for the purposes of housing my Hallmark Channel movie reviews. 

Looking at the blog itself, I can see I've done quite a number of them over the years.

And I mean, how can I not?

There've been hits and misses, but most of them have been hits recently, as it seems there's either been a shake-up in the creative room OR someone out there heard the viewers and started putting some diversity into the plots and romances they spin for us.

I don't usually pay much attention to anything beyond Countdown to Christmas, but recently I've been taking a look at the schedule and I kinda love it.

I still have to catch up on Love on the Menu, actually, because Kavan Smith. COME ON.

But for tonight's blog post, I'm talking about a very recent movie as it only aired this past Saturday.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Tome Thursday: Dark Force Rising

Hello everyone!

Back again with another book blog, and I'm continuing with the theme I began last Thursday since even my Tuesday blog was related.

Then again, Star Wars has this thing about it. Once it sucks you in, you're a goner!

I really have to thank my good friend Steven for this, because honestly, I'd been eyeballing the Expanded Universe lists for years but never actually got around to it, and then somehow by random accident there was a developing conversation on one of his Facebook status updates, I think, and in the end I walked out of it with not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR Star Wars books to get me started!

Last week I started talking about the Thrawn Trilogy with its first installment, so naturally it's time to go in with book number two now.

I mean, that's the usual, right? One, two, three.

Besides, with these books, you literally wouldn't have a clue what's going on if you didn't read the previous before it.

So let's stop talking shop and let's start talking Dark Force Rising.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Talkie Tuesday: Solo

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ..."

Hello everyone!


I know.

Get it out of your system.


Yet again, I'm late to this bandwagon. In my defense, I've been pumping out reviews for both movies and books for a while now. And I still have stuff to see and to read. You have to love that, right?


That being said, however, there was just something about tonight's blog theme that caught me in a completely meh mood, and while I knew I'd eventually sit down to it, it took me about forever and a day to do so.

I mean it's almost been a full year since it's worldwide premiere!

So here we go. Solo: A Star Wars Story, begins now.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Tome Thursday: Heir to the Empire

Hello everyone!

I was planning on doing a different book review this week as I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to finish the one I'd started reading during the previous weekend, but lo and behold, that seems to not be the case as I suddenly stumbled over the ending yesterday!

I hadn't been anticipating it, honestly.

When my e-reader tells me I have about 30% more of a book to read, I actually expect a hell of a lot more story to go along with it.

But at around 71% I suddenly found myself with the ending, and a 'to be continued' sticker and I was just there like ... wait, what?

So this does mean, however, that I can actually give you the original review I wanted, and not worry about pulling another book out from some sort of deep well!

It's time we all brushed up on our lightsaber skills, people.

We're headed into a galaxy far, far away, this time with the Heir to the Empire.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Talkie Tuesday: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Hello everyone!

I'm resurrecting an oldie (but a goldie!) for this week's movie post, because I became inspired after randomly catching the showing on television over the weekend. 

Since I don't watch nearly enough television, I figure it's natural I might have missed it.

But I went to visit a really good friend of mine and after we finished watching a hilarious talk show, we switched to this other channel and lo and behold! there was this movie that I had totally forgotten about until then.

And yeah, I've reviewed it before, but it's been years. I figured I could take another look at it and see whether or not my thoughts are any different than they were at the beginning.

Also, there can never be enough turtles in your life. Ever.

Figured out what I'll be talking about yet?

Cowabunga, everyone, make room for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Tome Thursday: My Boss, the Billionaire

Hello everyone!

Here I am again with a second consecutive book review by the same author, and honestly I blame myself for loving these books so much.

Why wouldn't I want to share them with you?

Also, I saw two announcements today that both brought tears to my eyes, for different reasons, one being that Arrow will be ending with a 10-episode eighth season, which had me sniffling with sadness, and the other that Becoming the Supervet was published in paperback - a format I prefer - and I could finally grab a copy, which had me shedding some tears of joy!

I've been a fan of Professor Noel Fitzpatrick and his show The Supervet for a long time now, and being able to get just a glimpse of the back story which went on from day one up until today promises to be a magical experience.

But as of right now, I kind of need to get my billionaire shoes on again.

Remember last week, when we met Hal? Well, now it's time to meet Leon.

Ninja Turtles, move aside. My Boss, the Billionaire, is up, graciously given to me as an ARC by the author.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Talkie Tuesday: Hotel Transylvania 3 Summer Vacation

"It's party time!"

Hello everyone!

I have a confession to make. 

Now that my Turkish soap opera/drama has wrapped up, I don't know what to do with myself in the evenings.

I know, it's ridiculous.

But I DID have time to actually focus on movies this weekend seeing as CBS had a bit of a break and there was nothing to watch on television for a couple of nights.

I didn't feel like going into anything too dramatic or too over-the-top however, and eventually felt the need for something light and funny and airy. And while I enjoyed the first movie of this installment, the second one kind of left me hanging, so I was sceptical about going in for the third.

Turns out, however, that I needn't have worried.