Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Talkie Tuesday: Pirates of the Caribbean Salazar's Revenge

"Dead men tell no tales."

Hello everyone!

I'm excited for this blog post. Can you tell? I haven't been this excited about a post since Beauty and the Beast, and prior to that not for a while. Normally, I like whatever it is I'm typing about - obviously or I wouldn't be writing about it in the first place - but some stuff does get my attention a lot more than others. 

Like, for instance, Pirates of the Caribbean.

I haven't been in the Pirates' mood in a while, certainly not for a bit before AXN decided to put the first four movies of the franchise into its regular programming, which then meant that, every time you tuned in to that channel, one of them was playing at some point or other.

I'm not complaining.

I also did a blog post about At World's End a while ago, and I'll link that one at the bottom.

But last week was my birthday, and to treat myself, I (and my girl friends) went to see the fifth installment of the series, Dead Men Tell No Tales, or as it's alternately known, Salazar's Revenge.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Tome Thursday: Persephone

Hello everyone!

At this point in time, my love for Greek Mythology is probably not such a well-known fact, despite me actually adoring it more than I adore a lot of things in the long run. The thing is, however, that I haven't had much interest in books about it for a while, that is until I randomly stumbled over one that caught my interest and wouldn't let go.

I can't even say just WHY it happened - though probably it was Bookbub telling me the book was being offered for a low price on Kobo.

I'm talking about Kailtin Bevis's Persephone.

Now, I have already shown in the past that I have this thing for mythology and retellings (can anyone say Percy Jackson with me?), so I was really excited for this. You have to be a total geek to understand my geekiness, but I also needed something to tide me over while I'm hunting for the latest Alison Weir book about Anne Boleyn.

In any event, however, yesterday was spent mostly by sticking my nose into the pages of this book and not looking up until I was done.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Talkie Tuesday: The Huntsman - Winter's War

"Love ends in betrayal. Always."

Hey everyone!

I am once again back with another movie review, and since I seem to be on a Chris Hemsworth binge at the moment (not entirely sure why, but that's what's happening in my life right now) I figured I'd dig up that one that I'd watched a while ago but never honestly got to before. 

Namely, the prequel/sequel to Snow White, which starred Hemsworth and Kristen Stewart, titled The Huntsman: Winter's War.

I was actually fairly excited about the prospect of a movie which would tell us more about the Hunstman proper, since in the original, I think he only spoke about a handful of words. Actually, the entire MOVIE went by with only about a dozen sentences being said by any of the actors and actresses in there, with a whole lot of visuals and dark music and whatnot.

It wasn't exactly bad, persay, but it certainly didn't make me think epic thoughts.

So when this sequel was announced, and especially after that cheating scandal emphasised this would be a break from the original in a way, well, I was hooked.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Tome Thursday: The Beloved One

Hello everyone!

I'll admit that, at the moment, I'm actually back into the ice hockey side of reading lists, because it's been a while since I picked up any of Catherine Gayle's books. But that aside, I kind of feel like continuing with my recaps of Danelle Harmon's books, at least up until the point I've actually read them.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I made such a fuss about getting to Lucien's book and now I'm putting it aside. Why, again?

Well, I kind of want to savour the anticipation, you know?

That said, however, there are still two books for me to both read and then review, so I suppose it's not THAT bad, all in all. Besides, between driving my mother around this week and trying to ensure my grandmother doesn't burn all her pots while my dad's away, I kind of have my hands full to begin with.

But anyway, without further ado and me monologuing into nothing, let's get to it with The Beloved One.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Talkie Tuesday: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie 

in possession of brains must be in want of more brains."

Hello everyone!

This blog post is LONG overdue. 

And I mean, extremely overdue.

The thing is, sometimes when I'm typing things up and posting them on here, what happens is that I want to get the most obvious (and usually the most novel at the time) choices out into the open, which doesn't include some of those that are left in my little notebook.

So, accordingly, I reach some much longer after I should have, I suppose.

That being said, it really is a shame that I've only just gotten to this particular movie as I can well remember LOVING it when I saw it. I was hugely skeptical for a majority of reasons (all of which have to do with how the production houses handle the undead nowadays) but insanely glad when I got over that and made myself sit down, and watch it.

I'm talking about Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, of course.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Tome Thursday: The Wild One

Hello everyone!

It's an incredibly good thing that I've made it a habit to watch certain TV shows only in the evenings, because otherwise I highly doubt I'd get anything done at all. Namely, focusing on anything besides the way these people run around on screen is a bit of a challenge, all in all.


I have a new book review for you, and I have to say, I'm actually much farther ahead with the book series than this will show, as well.

Owning a Kobo e-reader means that, on occasion, I will lurk around online to see some good book deals. I've also registered a Bookbub (shameless advertising right here), which is AMAZING for people who don't want to spend tons of money on e-books, not to mention you find pretty much anything and everything you might want! Depending on how you choose to set it up, you get emails with book offers, and the one I'm reviewing today came with that.

Danelle Harmon wasn't initially on my watch list and I really only hit the download button on her book, The Wild One, because it was free.

Then I realised it's just the beginning of the series, fell in love with the characters, and here we are!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Talkie Tuesday: Rogue One

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ..."

Hello everyone!

It's time for another movie review, and I was actually reminded of this one yesterday while shopping with my mother for our bi-monthly groceries run. 

I know, right? Talk about a place where you think about movies!

But in the store, I ran into the DVD shelves they have (not numerous, as a rule, but occasionally you'll find movies there that come at a slightly cheaper price than in some specialised shops) and lo and behold, what DVD would my mother pick up but Rogue One: A Star Wars Story?

Then it was my turn to go 'Oh, snap!' about the fact that I'd actually already seen it - but never sat down to write a proper blog about it. 

I should be ashamed of myself. I know this.

Anyway, seeing the DVD last night reminded me that I have the summary in my faithful sheep notebook, ergo, without further ado, let's head into the review!

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Tome Thursday: The Kommandant's Girl

Hello everyone!

I come bearing the gift of another blog post! And I swear, I won't even cry.

Or, I'll try not to.

See, a while ago I noted down the name 'Pam Jenoff' and the title 'The Kommandant's Girl', but never got the chance to do anything with that note until about ten days ago. At which point I got a copy of said book, and sat down to read it.

Of course I knew what I was getting myself into.

See, the thing with me is that I do my homework, and I research most of the books that I want to read, specifically if they're going to be about a period in recent history. In this case, it meant World War II and the occupation situation in Poland, which included but wasn't just limited to martial law and curfew.

So yes, I knew that whatever I was about to read would probably lead me down a dark road and I'd end up with streaming eyes and a runny nose.

I persevered, however, and although a lot of people do criticise it - which I can understand - I think It's a very good book.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Talkie Tuesday: Sully

"This is the captain. Brace for impact."

Hello everyone!

Now, I will admit - generally speaking I don't fly often. Mostly because I have never had much opportunity, and as a second point because I have not really had much reason to, to begin with. 

But somehow I found myself rather intrigued by the TV show Mayday, which mostly describes air crash investigations after the disasters that have taken place during the years since airplanes have become the usual mode of transport.

It's not exactly something that makes sense, but bear with me here.

At one point, I accidentally stumbled across the episode that talked about a landing on the Hudson river. I was intrigued - was that even possible? Normally, when you imagine several hundred tons of aircraft landing on water, the mental image is that it's going to break apart, violently, water being like concrete at those speeds and altitudes.

Somehow, however, this plane managed it - and so when news broke that Tom Hanks would be playing the pilot from that same situation in a biopic, Sully, I was so on board the plane. Pun intended.