Saturday, 30 April 2016

Saturday Snippet: Short Hair

Hello everyone!

So ... this happened.

Every once in a while, I get the itch to chop off ALL my hair, and I end up with a short haircut. This one is officially called 'side swept crop', but mostly, it's just really short except for the fringe bit haha! Which I think is perfect for when the weather's warmer and I work a lot because otherwise my hair is all in a ponytail, all the time.

This one works much better at the moment!


Thursday, 28 April 2016

Tome Thursday: Lover Enshrined

Hello everyone!

I am, apparently, on a vampire binge. I keep thinking I need to go back and rewatch the first three seasons of Vampire Diaries (which I absolutely adored, might I add, before Elena got turned into a vampire, because afterwards it became a trainwreck of epic proportions) yet haven't had the time to actually get down to business about it. I'll probably work it in at some point when the rest of the shows I watch wrap up for their current seasons!

But as I wrote last week, I was VERY happy about the release of J. R. Ward's latest Black Dagger Brotherhood book, 'The Beast', and I keep getting more and more stoked as she posts certain updates on her Facebook page which indicate A HUGE, HUGE SPOILER FOR THE NEXT BOOK!

I'm not going to write it down here. You'll see it on her page if you do check it out, although if you don't want to know I'd steer clear.

Apparently, however, the next book is titled 'The Chosen', which tells me that it's probably going to be about Layla and Xcor. I'm on the fence about it to be honest, but there'll be a lot of Qhuinn and Blay, so thank goodness for that!

As I'm on the binge though, I thought I'd do a review of another book in the series, number six: Lover Enshrined.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Game of Thrones: The Red Woman

"For the night is dark, and full of terrors."

Hello everyone!

Normally, I don't do these kinds of posts, or better still I do posts which cover the whole season of a television series since if I wanted to do recaps of each episode, I'd have to have more sets of hands, more time, and much more blog space. 


In all honesty, the hype surounding Game of Thrones and its sixth season was such that I'd have to be blind not to notice it.

Not to mention, I was right along there with them!

This show is probably the most successul one HBO will ever make, and I'm not saying this lightly given there's a lot of potentially awesome material out there which could very well take the throne, but so far, Game of Thrones seems to be the only thing that's really burning all bridges and collapsing every single record out there.

And honestly, they own it.

Sunday, 24 April 2016



Break out the comfort drinks, grab your bestie, and strap yourselves in!


*image not mine

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Tome Thursday: The Beast

Hello everyone!

It's book talk time again, and I was SO stoked for the release of this one, you can't even imagine. As luck would also have it, I didn't have to wait that long before I got my hands on a copy, because normally it takes almost forever for a book to get to my country after it gets released worldwide. It is what it is, but sometimes, like right now, and especially because I've become a bit more profficient with the whole electronic book thing, I can get to books faster this way.

I am, of course, talking about the next novel in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by author JR Ward, titled 'The Beast'.

I've been in love with these vampires from the moment a good friend of mine sort of coerced me into reading the books to begin with (thank you, Kelly!), because I was initially hesitant over the whole bloodsucker thing. I mean, I was just getting out of the Vampire Academy high and all, so I thught, do I want to spoil the vampires for myself?

Man, would I have made a mistake to turn this series down. I started reading when the first eleven books were out, and that was right before The King was published, but since then, I've probably reread them a couple of times already. In fact, I'm rereading them now, for kicks and giggles.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Talkie Tuesday: Voyage of the Unicorn

"Credendo vides."

Hello everyone!

I still have a bunch of new movies to watch - and then what do I do? 

I go and dig up a fifteen year old movie to watch instead, that's what!

I'll admit I'm not usually like this, I tend to not watch that many old movies to begin with, but I was organising some of my writing information the other day (this will make sense in a second, I swear) when I came across some old drawings that I did waaaaaaaay back when for my first ever serious fanfiction.

I'm still not making sense, am I?

Besides oneof the illustrations of what turned out to be a battle ensemble, I jotted down 'Miranda - Voyage of the Unicorn', and that got me thinking that I'd probably seen this in a movie somewhere. So I opened Uncle Google up and voila!

Lo and behold, my memory was actually not that faulty: once upon a time, when Hallmark still broadcast in my country, a movie titled Voyage of the Unicorn was on quite a lot.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Saturday Snippet: Spring!

Hello everyone!

The one thing that I'm really, really happy about is the weather FINALLY changing to warm again! Not that I don't like winter, but me and snow have a love-hate relationship, and I really do prefer the way everything is in bloom right now.

*image not mine

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Tome Thursday: The Glittering Court

Hello everyone!

It's time for a book blog again, and boy, did I pick a lucky one this week!

Some of you may know (or you may not, depending) that I'm a Richelle Mead fan. I can't remember at this point how or when I stumbled across her first three Vampire Academy novels, but I did, and the rest is history as I think I have by now devoured every single one of her books, though not all of them, in my opinion, are at the same level of success.

Like, really, Vampire Academy and Bloodlines are probably some of my favourite books with characters I adore, but the Succubus series isn't one I connected with, and Soundless also fell a bit flat. I wrote some blogs on the before-mentioned, and I'm liking them at the end of this post.

I wasn't as inspired with her stand-alone novel, but then news came out that she was once again working on a book series, and I was thoroughly into it even before the first book got published a week or so ago, but I only learned some details recently.

So without further ado, let's dive right into The Glittering Court!

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Talkie Tuesday: Dracula Untold

"Sometimes, the world doesn't need another hero.
Sometimes, what it needs is a monster.

Hello everyone!

I'm back with another movie blog, although my backlog of movies that I have yet to see hasn't gotten any shorter yet, despite all my attempts to do so. 

I just keep getting distracted!

Whether it's because of Dancing with the Stars or because Outlander has just premiered again (season two, woohoo!), I almost never have time to actually watch a movie for two hours straight unless something drastic happens. This is one of the many reasons why I'm usually pretty content once shows end for the summer break between seasons, because at least then I can pick up the slack and watch everything I missed out on during the rest of the year.

But the movie I'll be talking about tonight is actually one that I really, truly should have seen at least a year ago, and never got to it. I finally managed to do so though and I can honestly say that I enjoyed it, regardless of a lot of negative criticism that's rolling around the world wide web.

I'm talking about Dracula Untold.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Tome Thursday: Mercenary

Hello everyone!

Time for another book blog post, and I was so thrilled when I got the email from Lizzy Ford's camp with the attached ARC of the novellete I'll be talking about tonight. I've been waiting for that for what felt like ages, even though in realizy I know it wasn't haha! 

I'm just super excited to learn more about these awesome characters.

Not to mention, it's all about being Greek, even when these particular Greeks are in our modern world right now, their gods are still around, and the whole world has basically gone to Hell in a handbasket since the last time we checked - and no, I don't think Hades would actually be happy about that. He always complains about too much traffic in the Underworld!

I will admit, I got that last line from Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books, because let's be honest and say that they are one of the main reasons why Greek Mythology is as interesting as it is right now.

Back to the topic at hand, however, I'll stop babbling and actually start this review of Mercenary which, if you haven't figured it out yet, is about Niko.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Talkie Tuesday: The Force Awakens

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ..."

Hello everyone!

To my absolute delight I finally, FINALLY had the time to sit down and watch the movie I've been gunning for since the moment they released information about it going into production. Not only have I been a huge fan for years now, but it's a sort of return to my childhood in a way, or at least to my teenage years since I think that was when the (then) last movie came out. 

Of course I could have gone to the cinema and seen it there, and I'm actually bummed that I didn't make it, because it would have been totally awesome, but then again, in the privacy of my own room, I totally had the privilege to comment out loud and do all the usual fangirl things haha!

And obviously, I was going to do a LOT of those, for reasons I have already stated.

Let's just be honest with ourselves and say that Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens was probably the most anticipated movie of last year's winter time, as much as Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is for this year.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Saturday Snippet: Highlights

Hello everyone!

I could probably talk about a lot of things in this Saturday blog, but I felt like going back to TV shows for this one time and some of my favourite moments this week. Don't get me wrong, each episode usually gives me at least one or two - but three stood out.

Numero uno, and probably the one I fangirled over the most: MALEC!

You guys. How perfect are they?!

Numero due: gotta love Mack and the shotgun axe.

Like, seriously.

And numero tres: the one that made me cry.

Thank you Shadowhunters, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and The 100.

*images not mine