Saturday, 31 December 2016
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Tome Thursday: Santa's Secret
Hello everyone!
The last of my movie-and-book blogs that's related to the holiday season, I swear! By January, I'm going to go back to my regular schedule and reviewing what comes my way in terms of non-Christmas-y and non-holiday spirit related.
Or so I hope, at least.
But in all honesty I couldnt resist adding this particular book to the pile because I was fortunate enough one afternoon in early December to be bored out of my skull and feeling the itch for some contemporary romance, in which case scenario I tend to turn towards three authors who have never failed me thus far: Kathryn Shay, Noelle Adams or Serenity Woods.
That afternoon the choice was Serenity Woods, and since it was December and I had made a pledge to myself to mostly read Christmas books this month, my pick for the day was Santa's Secret.
And boy, did I make a good decision about THAT.
It quickly became obvious (as in, about three subsequent rereads later) that this might be my favourite Christmas book.
Tuesday, 27 December 2016
Talkie Tuesday: When Calls the Heart Christmas
"Christmas comes but once a year."
Hello everyone!
So it took more than just one day which it usually does for me to finally find a good working link where I could watch the Christmas special When Calls the Heart put up for this holiday season.
Now I've already written about the show and the books, I think, but in any event I shall check and link all my older posts down below as is my custom when I'm trying to make sense of everything that's come before (and at this point, trust me, it looks as though the only way for me to keep track is by using keywords all around).
In any event, however, I managed to watch the hour and a half special which I had honestly thought would be shorter, but luckily for me it wasn't!
I've missed these characters and their everyday problems, because the thing that initially drew me to the show wasn't the drama or anything of the sort, but what a person would have to get through in an average day on the Canadian frontier.
Plus, I will admit that I have a bit of a crush on Constable Thornton.
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Thursday, 22 December 2016
Tome Thursday: A Secret Parcel
Hello everyone!

Then again, I suppose I have the benefit of my family all being at home already, all the family gatherings scheduled and arranged for through the weekend, and then some, and of course there's a whole lot of great stuff to catch up on!
But, since it IS Thursday, and I'm trying to keep up, here's a book blog post for all of you, in the Christmas spirit of course.
Because why would you want to read anything that ISN'T Christmasy when you can so easily get into the holiday cheer with the right book you can leaf through? Besides, I have a trilogy to wrap up so that I can honestly say I've finished yet another book series.
And I mean, I HAVE been talking about billionaires for the past three weeks or so, maybe even a bit longer. There isn't much that can beat that.
Without further ado, let's get into A Secret Parcel, by Serentiy Woods!
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Talkie Tuesday: The Spirit of Christmas
"Twelve days isn't nearly enough."
Hello everyone!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Meaning, I'm overdoing it with Christmas movies this week. Tonight on the menu is one of my all-time favourites, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (and coincidentally the only Jim Carrey movie I can actually watch), but yesterday I was watching something else.
You know this season is one of those when ALL the cheesiness comes out in spades, but then again this is probably one of the only times per year when it's actually allowed.
So yeah, I watched a semi-cheesy movie. Actually, talking to a friend of mine, we classified it as 'medium cheese' because, why not.
If I hadn't known any better I would have immediately said Hallmark was the one who produced it, but then Hallmark goes overboard with the cheese most of the time, and this one wasn't exactly there yet, though it was close.
All in all, however, it had a fairly reasonable female lead, a VERY good-looking male lead + glasses, and mystery!
I'm talking about The Spirit of Christmas.
Saturday, 17 December 2016
Saturday Snippet: Work
All work and no play leaves me cranky, but at the very least I see light at the end of the tunnel!
Working Sunday tomorrow though, which is a bit of a bummer, but can't help it.
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Tome Thursday: An Ideal Present
Hello everyone!
Back at it with books, and it's almost Christmas time! According to my advent calendar (Star Wars full of milk chocolate, if you please), after tomorrow there's only EIGHT MORE DAYS until Christmas eve!
Anyone else excited!?
It would be so cool if it snowed before then - apparently there are some forecasts that say we MIGHT be getting snow come next week, but I have this feeling it's going to be another green one as far as that goes.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ... just like the ones I used to know ...
Which is kind of silly since I'll be talking about another Christmas-time book that definitely has no snow in it, but the sea and hot weather (hot guys, too, but, ya know).
Book two of Three Wise Men, An Ideal Present, here we go!
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Talkie Tuesday: Hairspray Live
"Good morning, Baltimore!"
Hello everyone!
So every once in a while I run into something that makes me think: I need to see this.
When news broke that Derek Hough had been cast as Corny Collins in the new rendition of Hairspray which would air during the holiday season, I did a little happy jig.
I will admit here and now that I'm a Hough fan, whether it's Julianne or Derek, and especially of Derek because I honestly think the man is an artistic genius. The choreography he can put together is spectacular, either in it's complexity or simplicity, and I've loved watching him on Dancing with the Stars.
Ergo, I was sold on watching Hairspray Live! before they even released news about who would play Tracy or Link or anyone else.
Honestly, you'd think that I would have at least waited until the trailer, but nope, my excitement levels were high even before that.
Saturday, 10 December 2016
Login Issues
The fact that I couldn't log into a fanfiction site for SIX MONTHS even though I had the right password was beyond frustrating. To top it off, however, I actually MANAGED it tonight after, wait for it, requesting a password reminder to my email account (which I also had to unearth, natch).
Of course, afterwards, it worked.
Say what, please?!
*image not mine
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Tome Thursday: The Perfect Gift
Hello everyone!
It's time for yet another book blog, and as with the two previous ones, this is going to be a Christmas-oriented piece.
I'm feeling festive considering the fact that I've managed to finish my Christmas shopping earlier today so now all I have to do is wait for the day to arrive so that I can stick the parcels under the tree and watch my family's rections!
I have to say, the shopping trip was far less painful than it used to be, but maybe that was because I had company, or maybe I'd finished half of it already so it was only a matter of hashing out some details? Possibly.
In any event, I digress, and terribly so.
The book I'm going to talk about is the one that first got me into reading more work from this particular author, and is titled The Perfect Gift, by Serenity Woods.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Talkie Tuesday: Victoria's Secret 2016
"The biggest fashion show on Earth."
Hello everyone!

But no.
Tonight I'm going to be talking about, what the quote up there says: the biggest fashion show on Earth.
I'm talking about Victoria's Secret, of course.
I got into watching the annual shows VERY late in the game, a couple of years back, because a friend of mine showed me some videos and the like, and I liked the production of it all (also, the models are gorgeous, let's be honest here, every girl gets a hit on her self-esteem when they show up, but I mean, what can you do?).
So instead of chattering on about an action movie or a comedy or even Timeless, I'm just going to dive right in, and talk about fashion tonight.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
DCs Cross-over Event: Heroes v Aliens
"Best. Team-up. EVER."
So, like I promised this past Tuesday, I switched up the line-up for my blog posts because of the awesome and amazing thing that was happening during the week. Because why would I want to spend a long time developing and writing a blog post about a movie that can wait when we had that cross-over to look forward to?
I am firmly convinced you can like both and not have to glare daggers at either camps because, let's face it, all the superheroes and villains in there are for our entertainment.
They probably wouldn't want to be the cause of disputes (if they were real!).
But then I can totally hear Mick Rory already snarling a very trademark 'Speak for yourself!'
Anyway, as you can tell, I'm a fan, I geeked out this week while it was happening, and now that it's over and done with I can finally review it!
Beam me up, Scotty!
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Tome Thursday: A Royal Holiday
Hello everyone!
As promised in my previous book blog post from last week, this December I'm going to be doing a series of Christmas-related reviews!
Yeah, 'tis the season, alright!
The link to the previous blog, talking about Darcy Burke's novella Where the Heart Is, can be found at the bottom of this post, but today's post couldn't be more different from the previous one because of the chosen book!
Okay, yes, it's still a novella, but it's also different because it's about a royal family as opposed to the Archers of Ribbon Ridge.
Suffice to say, no holiday could ever be complete without some sort of cheer from one palace or another, whether they be fictional or real life, and to be quite honest I've loved this series for quite some time now so I'm excited to share it with you!
Off we go, then, into the review of Royal of Valleria: A Royal Holiday!
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