Saturday, 23 July 2016

Saturday Snippet: Vacation!

Hello everyone!

I'm off for two weeks tomorrow and won't be back until roughly August 8th, and will be without internet in the meantime. But I'll bring back lots of reviews of books and movies, so don't worry!

*image not mine

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Tome Thursday: Screwdrivered

Hello everyone!

Okay so I'm definitely trying to be better with the whole keeping up with a series thing, not that it's working in entirety. I still have a couple to finish and some blog posts just waiting to be typed up from the scraps of paper I saved my thoughts on earlier.

I think I'm getting much better in the long run, but it's still a far cry from being completely current since I'm STILL going through my backlog of books that I saved even as long as a year ago.

Sadly, I have issues. These include, but are not limited to being unable to focus on any one series at a time, instead going through them like I want to gobble everything up at once.

I'm not joking.

But that being said, it's not THAT long since I posted the last review I did about one of Alice Clayton's books, so I'm thinking it's a much better result than anyone would have anticipated. After all, I didn't take the full six months which I did between one and two!

That's a victory, right?

So without further ado, let's get into Screwdrivered.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Talkie Tuesday: Jane Got A Gun

"You don't need a gunslinger - you need a goddamn regiment."

Hello everyone!

My movie blog this week is of a movie that's been sitting in my notebook for a while now. For some reason I kind of postponed it - okay, well, I know the reason. Game of Thrones happened right around the time when I watched the movie so I then decided to post recaps of episodes per week instead of doing regular movie blog posts. 

Now I'm back to my regular schedule after trying not to get a heart attack while watching the second season of Scandal (yeah, it's THAT good, really).

So I think the first time I got wind of this movie, Jane Got A Gun, it was in a movie theatre prior to seeing something else, and it didn't catch my eye because it had Natalie Portman in it (although that's reason enough, in my opinion), nor did it catch my eye because it was a western movie that looked as though it was plenty fun.

To be perfectly honest, the reason why I wanted to watch it was because, besides Portman, it had two other actors I knew: Ewan McGregor and Joel Edgerton

For those less movie-savvy: all three of the above-mentioned actors played together in the Star Wars Prequel episodes, so this movie was kind of a reunion for them.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Saturday Snippet: Hail

This one was supposed to go up yesterday but I kind of got distracted ...

I blame Scandal. No, really.

This past week, my town (or more accurately the whole valley, really) got hit with a very bad hail shipping. It hailed for about ten minutes straight before it started raining ... there are holes in roofs, cars, and in our trust in weather reporters.

Our poor garden got literally flattened during the hour it took for the weather to calm down again (this included, but was not limited to winds, rain, and hail that went horizontally instead of vertically).

At least temperatures have dropped somewhat now, so there are silver linings.

*image belongs to me

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Tome Thursday: A Court of Mist and Fury

Hello everyone!
Back with regular updates this week and regular blog posts, which means today is book blog day. And I had this one ready to go since before I left for my impromptu seaside vacation, but that doesn't mean I forgot about it.

How could I, when it was so awesome I figured I might need a heart transplant by the end?

So most of you know that I was late on the Sarah J. Maas appreciation train here, because it took me a little bit to find some amazing vloggers who spoke about her books, and then I started reading her Throne of Glass series first, but I'm in the middle of that one at the moment whereas I definitely gobbled up the other one, because ... reasons.

Okay, let's be honest, there's just one reason and his name is Rhysand.

Yeah, yeah, if any of you remember my blog post about the first book in this series, you'll probably also remember that I hated Rhys back in the day.

Well, opinions change, alright? And in A Court of Mist and Fury, they most certainly did.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Talkie Tuesday: Scandal (season 1)

"We're gladiators. In suits."

Hello everyone!


Last time I blogged was for the finale of the Game of Thrones sixth season, and then of course I had it all planned how I was going to do a blog post on Thursday about a Sarah J. Maas book ... but then life happened and got in the way.

I took some time for a short vacation that was pretty impromptu, I'll give you that, and I have no internet connection when I AM down at the seaside, which means I sort of de-tox.

Back in civilization, however, means back to blogging!

One of my best friends has spent the past, oh I don't even know how long trying to convince me that I absolutely HAVE TO start watching Scandal. I had heard of the show before (with the awards it was picking up, I would have to be blind and deaf not to) but I didn't think it was something I'd get into, nor did I like the characters at first glance. First glance being randomly through pictures and one time when I caught the tail end of an episode on television.

That all changed during vacation.