"Hold the door!"
Hello everyone!
So after last week's internet disaster, I'm back, and as I promised, tonight's blog post is going to combine the recaps of both the fifth and the sixth episodes of Game of Thrones (season 6, of course, let's not get ahead of ourselves here).
The reason for this being because I've promised to recap the entirety of the season as it rolled along, which means that I can't stop now, can I? I need to see this through.
Not that it's a hardship.
Every Monday night, regardless of the fact that there used to be a number of shows which aired Sunday and I could only watch them a day after (less now as most of them are on a summer break), I'd first watch the hour in Westeros just to ensure myself that all was right in the world.
I mean, honestly?
If you think you have it bad, all you have to do is watch one of those episodes; you'll be darn sure by the end of it that your life is a walk in the park compared to these guys.