Thursday, 29 June 2017

Tome Thursday: Provoked

Hello everyone!

Back with my regular book blog, and I've decided not to pick Testament for this one just yet. Maybe next week, when I've had some time to untangle all the threads that got connected and twirled in my head after reading it.

Instead, the book I've picked for tonight is slightly different in the sense that it's an MM romance. Meaning, both the heroes are male.

Let me tell you, I never would have pegged myself for someone who'd enjoy reading these books, but somehow or other I managed to fall into the genre and, provided that the author knows what they're doing, the books are just as enjoyable as what you'd call "regular" romance books.

The added allure of tonight's tome also came from the fact that it's written during a historic period when such a thing was prosecuted, illegal, and more than a little bit dangerous.

But hey, it all adds to the fun of it! Ergo, let's sink our claws into Provoked, by Joanna Chambers.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Talkie Tuesday: Wonder Woman

"I will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves."

Hello everyone!

So after that impromptu break which I took without announcing anything, I figured I might as well come back with a big bang. Right? Right. 

There I was, minding my own business at the seaside, when I stumbled upon Wonder Woman quite by accident. As in, I had known there was a movie being made and that it was just about to drop in theatres by the time I hightailed it to the coast, but I wasn't paying too much attention to the actual dates.

And here and now, let me tell you: boy, am I glad I paid attention later!

DC has sort of been lagging behind Marvel in terms of their superhero movies, only just coming into their own with Man of Steel and the following Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (which a lot of people complained about and I, personally, only really checked the ending of), but they now seem to be on the right track.

Let's begin our journey then, shall we? With the one, the only, Wonder Woman.

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Saturday Snippet: Oops

Hello everyone!

So I kind of realized that I didn't actually give any notice about missing blog posts or whatnot.


My last post was made just before I travelled to the seaside for a mini vacation, and while I did in fact have internet there, I was kind of just detoxing from everything. I do realize, however, that maybe, just maybe, I could have left a word - or two.

So anyway, mea maxima culpa! And the blog posts resume normally this Tuesday.


Thursday, 8 June 2017

Tome Thursday: A Court of Wings and Ruin

Hello everyone!
Time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? We're already almost mid-June! And thankfully this means long, long hours of reading and catching up on everything that I have yet to gobble up with my incessant desire to keep reading more.

I do have to admit that David Gibbins' Testament has been suffering, however ... I keep getting distracted!


Tonight's blog is ALL about Sarah J. Maas. Because, hello, the final book in the first Feyre trilogy dropped at the end of May, and UHM YES I had to read it as soon as I got my hands on it.

There was literally no alternative. I fell in love with the series completely at random while I was searching Maas on Google, and have been anxiously awaiting this conclusion since that cliffhanger at the end of ACOMAF. COME ON PEOPLE. You know what I'm talking about here!

In any event, however, let's get down to business! Behold, A Court of Wings and Ruin.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Talkie Tuesday: Season Finales

"Who's turn is it, anyway?"

Hello everyone!

This week's blog post is going to be slightly different as I forgot, just a tiny bit, about a promise I made to write it all out once the regular shows in season through the year came to a close. Well, they've certainly been on hiatus now, and still no post from me! 

You'd think by now I'd learn to actually make note of what I should or shouldn't write.

Nope. Not me.

In any event, after reliving through Pirates 5 in the beginning of the week, it's time to turn my attentions somewhat closer to the smaller screens again. This post will not, in fact, delve into all the details about what happened during each season finale I'll be talking about, but it will certainly give you enough information to go look them up if you feel inclined to watch, and haven't already!

Come to think of it I may rewatch some of them, just because they were so amazing ...

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Tome Thursday: She's Too Young

Hello everyone!

This week's book of choice is slightly different in terms of both content and length, because I was honestly surprised when I opened it to see it's not even one hundred (reading) pages long. That's something you don't usually get to see when you sit down with any kind of book, so it was intriguing enough to begin with.

Also, the title caught me.

And then I was redirected to the author's site, and I read her explanation about the book, and I was thoroughly hooked, but not in a bad way.

See, Jessa Kane's 'She's Too Young' is a book describing a relationship between a seventeen-year-old high school student, and a thirty-year-old powerful magnate. If this isn't your cup of tea (and for many people it wouldn't be), stop reading this review right here and right now, and you'll be fine. You can even go off and spout how I'm supporting something horrible and terrible, if you want.

That's okay. As Ms Kane says - we all have the right to make our own choices about what we do and don't like, or do and don't read, in this case.

Under the line, though, is my review of 'She's Too Young'.