Tuesday 10 February 2015

Talkie Tuesday: The Originals

Hello everyone!

So I'm cheating a bit today; my last few days have been spent running around or driving people and such, so watching movies wasn't exactly doable, but I did manage to catch The Originals this week on its actual date and not, like, five days after. In some ways, TV shows are so much more fun than movies because they have a continuity going on and last longer in a sense, but then again, a movie will always be a movie ... still, I believe I couldn't have picked a better show to talk about in this blog post. Unless it would have been Game of Thrones, but since the premiere of that is still months away ... let's just focus on the best, dysfunctional TV family that's graced our TV screens for the last couple of years, shall we? 

(image not mine)

We've first met them, one by one, as they made their respective appearances on The Vampire Diaries. Season two of that show was sort of an introduction, with Elijah stepping into the light of day (even if his wig was probably one of the worst television has ever seen lately, I can't decide if his or Stephen Amell's for Oliver flashbacks wins it). And then season three of the same show had a whole lot of them running around, divulging more and more information about Klaus, Rebekah, Finn, Kol, the mother, Esther, and the patriarch, Mikael ... and then some.

I was super thrilled back when they announced a backdoor pilot for a spin-off, because at that point, I'm sorry to say, The Vampire Diaries had started going off the deep end for me, and I've long-since ceased watching. The Originals, on the other hand? Barely into its second season, I can NEVER get enough of them!

screencap is mine

Suffice to say, this family really does make someone want to murder people (quote shamelessly stolen from Klaus). If it's not Klaus being paranoid, it's Finn going completely bonkers, or their mother losing it. I can't decide who's crazier, the parents, the "eldest" child, or the rest of them.

And I put quotations there because by now we all know that Finn is NOT the eldest.

Freya is.

So now I'm like, asking myself where the nutty Aunt Dahlia comes in. Because you know she'll be coming for the kids, and I so look forward to seeing their reactions!

But for this last episode, I think it's all falling into place really, really well. I love how Finn is all 'you'll be divided' and everyone is teamiing up behind his back. Daniel Sharman keeps on killing it as Kol, and Elijah ... well, that was certainly the moment of the week right there! Luckily we know he can't die, and the promo description for next week already states he's back in action. But did he manage to take his brother down? I sincerely hope so, because by this point, Finn has gone completely batshit and needs to be taken out for good, so he can rest and not try to murder pretty Elijah anymore.

Did I just say that out loud?

screencaps are both mine

Anyway, I'm rambling and it's been a long day, so I'll leave it at this - and hopefully be able to make a REAL Talkie Tuesday post next week!


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