Hello everyone!
So it's been ages, or so I feel, since I've last seen an actual movie and talked about it in Tuesday's segment, but I can't help it! There's just SO MUCH going on with TV shows I'm catching up to, it's ridiculous. I mean, I'm still working my way through the Tudors, then there were some others I haven't been able to see yet, and certain ones have just started their summer run (I'm looking at you, Teen Wolf).
How am I supposed to watch movies then?!
I don't, I suppose. And I would like to point out at this particular line of the blog that anyone who hasn't yet seen the last season of Game of Thrones should probably stop reading right about now. And I mean it, because there are going to be spoilers, and I don't want you all to come barging and being all WE HAVEN'T WATCHED IT YET.
Go watch it, then come back, and we can discuss!