Thursday, 28 May 2015

Tome Thursday: Under the Eagle

Hello everyone!

Since this week is all about going back to basics, it's back to the usual 'Tome Thursday' blog posts as well, now that all the finales have been accounted for and pretty much nicely shelved under the roof. I've been reading a lot of different books at this time as well, bouncing back and forth between authors and, with the added luxury of an electronic book reader, being able to honestly read more than one book at a time without the need to pick it up in physical form. At the moment, I'm sort of going through a throwback phase, however, reading Rick Riordan and his Greek and Roman gods series, though I definitely am rediscovering just why I don't like the second one as much as the first. This phase is probably subconscious preparation for his new series, coming this summer, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, and I mean, you KNOW it will be good if you have Thor and Odin running around. 

That being said, while I'm surfing through Greek mythology again, I've also gone back and done some other reading, too. Currently in the works is Conn Iggulden's 'Trinity', a continuation to 'Stormbird', but another series I started is from author Simon Scarrow. And if you've been following any kind of historical book updates, you'll know he writes a series about Romans.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Talkie Tuesday: Kingsman - The Secret Service

Hello everyone!
I'm finally back with the good old regular blog system, and since it's Tuesday it's time for me to talk about a movie, but first I figure I should probably tell you how I ended up watching it.

As several times before, my friends and I got together for a movie night, but originally, our choices didn't include the final thing. We were actually going to watch Expendables, but my friend's boyfriend changed the options right before that happened. So then he suggested Lucy, and we all nodded, and he said Kingsman, and my first comment (because my mouth sometimes runs away from my head) was 'OMG YES THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!' which sealed the deal, or that's how I saw it.

Not one hundred percent sure all my friends are happy with me about that particular decision at the moment, haha, but I mean, what's done is done, right? In any event, Kingsman was the movie we ended up watching together, and honestly? In my opinion, it delivered.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Finale week, part 2

Hello everyone!

No 'Tome Thursday' tonight I'm afraid seeing as I was still catching up on the series that only finished this week, namely Dancing with the Stars and The Flash.

Let's talk dancing first. Now, last week, Derek and Nastia got eliminated, which to me was disappointing given that although I like Noah and I think he's a sweetheart, I don't think he had what it took for the finale. Also, we missed out on what would probably have been a fantastic freestyle by Derek this season, and the others were sort of lack-lustre for me. Still, I'm happy for Rumer and Val on their win, even though they were so priming the show for that, with the whole comparison to the big brother thing and mirroring what Maks had with Meryl back in season 18. Oh well, another one bites the dust!

And now The Flash. Can I just say OMG really fast? And loud? I mean ... I did NOT see that coming. Okay, first off, I didn't see the good guys actually going for Thawne's idea with the accelerator and all that, because either way HE wins, not the good guys. But I mean, drama, right? Right. I cried so bad during the goodbye scenes (Joe and Barry anyone? Anyone?!) and the scene between grown-up Barry and his mother. The FEELS! But what got me the most was Eddie. Dear, brave, heroic Eddie ... I think he was everyone's hero this week. I'm worried about the wormhole though, but we did get glimpses of what's to come, and I'm stoked because we still get to somehow see Eddie in season two. That's already been confirmed.

Also coming to a CW near you are the Legends of Tomorrow, and I can't wait for this new show season!

*image not mine

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Talkie Tuesday: Finale week, part 1

Hello everyone!

So I'm back, and still reeling from some of the final twists the shows had in store for us for the ending of their respective seasons, and guess what? All of the ones I watch have been renewed! It's one of those moments that require a victory dance, or better yet, the Carlton! So, before we dive into the actual finale short&sweet recaps, here you go:

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Talkie Tuesday?

Hello everyone!

Well, no, unfortunately, there won't be a plog post today, or this coming Thursday either. The reason for this is simple: it's series finales week! And I watch a LOT of TV shows, so I figure, if I just wait until next Tuesday, then I can sum it all up with one blog post (or two, depending on how much I get talkative) and then go back to the regular stuff afterwards.

In the meantime, I'm hunting down games for the Wii platform for my cousin, who is probably not going to appreciate his older cousins stealing the console and playing the games instead ... ahem. 

We'll let him play. I promise.

*image not mime

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Tome Thursday: Tiger's Curse

Hello everyone!

So every once in a while, I like to move away from what my usually-prefered books are (those would be history, mystery, vampires, and potentially thrillers, but it depends on the author really), and go for something I'm going to cry my eyes out over (I'm looking at you, Sparks), or something I don't have to hammer my brain into submission for (As in, Julie Garwood and her unusually modern heroines sometime in the 17th century, probably in Scotland, too). 

And then sometimes, I end up with something that bizzarely reminds me of Twilight.

Okay, maybe not so bad, but I think you'll get the idea.

I think I saw Colleen Houck's books in a bookstore while shopping once, but I can't be sure, although I DO know I definitely got an email about a translation that was recently published here. The tiger on the cover was what did it for me (I have a thing for tigers, or at least recently I do), and so I ended up looking up her Tiger Saga, which consists of five novels (of which the last has yet to be written) and a prequel novella: Tiger's Promise, Tiger's Curse, Tiger's Quest, Tiger's Voyage, Tiger's Destiny, Tiger's Dream. It was said to have tigers, Indian culture, romance, and the books aren't too long.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Talkie Tuesday: The Best of Me

Hello everyone!
So, hi, this is your friendly neighbourhood blogger, and from time to time she feels like destroying herself with Nicholas Sparks. Yup, that's about right. See, we all know that Mr. Sparks is a master of writing tragedy into his romance novels (let's just look at The Notebook or Message in a Bottle, shall we?), and I honestly don't know why I even read his books and/or watch his movie adaptations, but there you have it, apparently I need to kill myself emotionally from time to time. I think people might call me certifiable for this - I know my sister probably does, but what can you do? 

For some reason, that's just something I feel like doing, and most recently, I've been tracking his newer works; I'm gearing up to read The Longest Ride before it hits theatres as a movie adaptation, but first, I went for The Best of Me. Sad fact: the movie should have originally featured Paul Walker in the main male role, but unfortunately, the role had to be recast after the actor's passing, and it went to James Marsden (which, all in all, wasn't such a bad choice, because he's quite good to look at too! Ahem).