Thursday, 27 March 2025

Tome Thursday: Here Ghost Nothing

Hello everyone!
I'm back with a slightly shorter book to review this week, but that's okay because I'm probably going to drag out some sort of behemoth some other time.
I usually do, in any event.
But that doesn't mean the book I picked is bad or anything of the sort!
Actually, it's the kind of cozy read that I really love during the late autumn/early spring days, when it's still dreary enough outside that you want to just snuggle up under a blanket and not leave your room for the foreseeable future.
Anyone else feel that way? No? Just me? Hmm ..
Anyway, without further ado, let's hop right back in, because Salem awaits us, and it isn't with the witch trials, either.
It's with an amateur sleuth who returns in Here Ghost Nothing!

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Talkie Tuesday: The Royal We


"You are the author of your own story."

Hello everyone!
And welcome back to a Hallmark movie blog.
I know, it's been a while!
I had a full on faze for a while where the ONLY thing I'd watch were Hallmark movies, but then I got over-saturated and I stopped.
Now, I'll still watch one every once in a while, but for the most part I've moved on.
I was kind of hooked on the trailer for tonight's movie of choice, however, mostly because of the wardrobe depicted within that reminded me VERY strongly of Catherine, Princess of Wales.
And turns out I was right in that it IS quite reminiscent of it!
But the movie itself falls kind of in the middle of the scales, neither horrible nor good, so without further ado let's have a look at The Royal We.

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Tome Thursday: Possession Under the Southern Stars

Hello everyone!
Welcome to another book choice of the week.
This time, we're returning to my favourite contemporary romance author.
Honestly, you probably all know this by now, as I say it enough, but Serenity Woods is just something else entirely.
Having found her quite at random years and years ago through her Three Wise Men series, I've since gobbled up practically every single book she's ever written, and I have no plans on stopping any time soon!
As far as I'm concerned, as long as she keeps writing, I'll keep reading.
Tonight's choice is the conclusion to her museum-slash-archaeology trilogy taking place in the beautiful New Zealand, and I honestly couldn't have come up with a more fitting ending to the story myself.
Not that I reach even her ankles when it comes to storytelling.
But enough about me and my dawdling over here. Let's jump right in and see what awaits us in Possession Under the Southern Stars!

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Talkie Tuesday: The War of the Rohirrim


"Forth Eorlingas!"

Hello everyone!
Or should I say Westu hal?
Either way, welcome, welcome, to tonight's blog post of choice.
I was THRILLED to discover that, since it's release in December 2024, this particular movie has now been more widely distributed among streaming services, because although our country's Netflix is pretty good about releases, honestly, I was still kind of waiting on this particular one.
Not that I was going in SUPER excited, mind you. I've been hella cautious since Rings of Power came out and started botching things up so badly it's insane.
But I was cautiously optimistic that there MIGHT be something good to find in the anime that I chose to watch this weekend.
So buckle up, get those swords polished, and make sure you're ready to ride. Because we're about to see just what was good and what wasn't so good in The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim.

Thursday, 13 March 2025

Tome Thursday: Forbidden Gift

Hello everyone!
Welcome back to the blog and all our bookish adventures.
Tonight's reading material of choice belongs to an author I found completely by accident while browsing BookSirens, and liked the initial premise of her series.
Turns out, she's written ANOTHER one (that I'm currently slowly chomping my way through) and is working on expanding her ongoing adventures in the mythical land of Teutonic witches.
Aka, there may or may not be people among us who can and do wield elemental magic, hopefully staying on the right path and not worshiping a demon lord in their spare time ...
I digress.
Tonight, we take a look at the second in her series, and just be aware that these aren't full-length books a la Outlander, they've got WAY fewer pages.
But they're page-turners just the same.
So let's hop right into Forbidden Gift.

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Talkie Tuesday: Atlantis the Lost Empire


"... in a single day and night of misfortune, 

the island of Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea."

Hello everyone!
After taking last week off, we're back with a new round of blog posts for this one, and the first to begin them is a Walt Disney Pictures presentation.
I mean, if it's not Disney it's gonna be Bollywood, ya know.
I have to admit that I NEVER watched this as a kid. I remember it's initial release, because McDonald's did Happy Meals with toys from this thing in them, and I thought the princess, with her white hair and such, was super cool, but that's about it.
Dishonor on my cow, I know.
I finally got round to watching it a little bit ago (okay, a WHILE ago, but I had a chance to rewatch it since) and I have to say I'm dutifully impressed by the end results of it all.
Plus, I mean, this is about the legend of Atlantis, in Disney version. What's NOT to like with that sort of premise?
Buckle up and let's descend leagues under the sea, in Atlantis the Lost Empire.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Tome Thursday: A Court of Silver Flames

Hello everyone!
And that's a wrap.
Did it take me literal years?
Yes, yes it did.
Am I ashamed of that fact?
No, I am, in fact, not ashamed. Not at all.
Because, while, as you'll see, this is a book I ended up partially liking, it's still got a host of problems and I'm not all that keen on reading it again, although I possibly MIGHT before the next one releases, depending on what mood I'm in.
For me, it's all about the main characters. Or character, in this case.
Sarah J Maas usually kicks it out of the park for me, but this time it was a hit-and-miss, depending on circumstances.
Without further ado, A Court of Silver Flames.