Hello everyone!
We're well underway into 2025 now, and I feel as though I have a pretty good grasp on how this year is going to unfold (spoiler alert: it's going to be busy, LOL), which hopefully means that everyone else is settling into their paces as well.
This ALSO means that, considering I'm now out of my Christmas blogging, I can focus on all the stuff that I had to push to the side while that was happening, and catch up with all that I read prior to December hitting with full force.
And it gives me the perfect excuse to start the yearly book blogs with my favourite contemporary romance author, Serenity Woods.
Not only is she a fantastic writer, but she's also just a lovely person in general, so if you ever get the chance to read any of her books, give them a go! She writes strong heroines who nevertheless don't act like witches (another word rhymes with this one ...) and heroes who sweep them off their feet, but who always brighten your day and don't just flash their money and expect things to be solved.
Tonight we're continuing with her Southern Stars series, the end of which is coming sometime in the beginning of this year, and I'm excited! But first, the bridge book if you will, the second of the lot leading the way to the finale, Obsession Under the Southern Stars.