Thursday 17 October 2024

Tome Thursday: Gilded Rose

Hello everyone!
I'm finally back.
Well, it's a relative term, as I'm still working to get rid of the rather persistent cough that's currently trying to keep my life absolutely miserable, but I at least don't feel like I need to sleep all the time and do nothing else anymore.
That said, it's time to get right down to business.
And what better way than with a book that stole my heart just before the seasonal cold did?
I swear I occasionally trip and fall face-first into a book collection from an author that I ought to have known long before this, but only discovered now, and end up loving them to bits.
Emma Hamm is an author like that, and I'm DEFINITELY reading just about anything and everything of hers I can get my grubby little hands on ASAP.
For tonight, though, I'm focusing on just the one book, which is a re-telling, conveniently enough.
Let's looks at Gilded Rose.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Talkie Tuesday: The Rings of Power


"Three Rings for the Elven-Kings under the sky,

Seven for the Dwarf-Lords in their halls of stone,

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die ..."

Hello everyone!
Alright so.
Unlike the last time I touched this story, I decided not to metaphorically undo myself every week for two months and figured I'd just do a little end-of dissertation once it was all over and done with.
After all, this isn't what a lot of people were expecting, although it LOOKS like there might be a lot of the positive floating around online, which is a bit of a difference from the first season, after which everyone and their mother (for the most part) was all "meh".

Of course I'm talking about Amazon's big fantasy release of the year, and no, it's not Wheel of Time.

If we're lucky we're getting the next season of THAT soon, however.

But for tonight, let's put on our thinking caps to make this all fit together in the second season of The Rings of Power.

Thursday 3 October 2024

Tome Thursday: Song of the Abyss

Hello everyone!
Welcome back to the land of the mermaids.
Yep, I said what I said.
When you accidentally run into one of the best books you've read this calendar year, you don't just drop it like a hot potato and never look at it again.
You probably read it again, and again, and again, which is exactly what I've done with tonight's choice for blog post, honestly.
I think I've read this thing about five times since first getting my hands on an e-book copy, and I've since bought it in physical form so that I can skip around pages more easily (yes, you can do it on an e-reader too but, I still find it easier in an actual book, sue me).
Since then I've also been reading some other works by Emma Hamm and, let's just put it this way, you'll be seeing them on this blog with the passage of time.
But first, let's really return to the deep. Let's check on the guy who was an absolute ass in the first book, but is really just a wounded soldier, and we learn all about that - and more - in Song of the Abyss.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Talkie Tuesday: The Mummy


"No harm ever came from reading a book."

Hello everyone!
I'm back!
And I have a wonderful movie for you tonight.
This is for all of us who've seen this one so many times it's basically like the air we breathe, who reference quotes from it in our daily lives or just to have great fun, and of course, who look forward to watching it AGAIN just as soon as we possibly can.
There are some movies you can watch over and over again without so much as blinking an eye.
Some that stay with you no matter where you go or what you do.
Tonight's choice is among them, possibly in the top category, because honestly, what could be better than the hot sands of Egypt, a rugged explorer, and mummies?!?
Nothing, that's what (or, not a lot)!
So arm yourselves and bring your cats - we're stepping right into The Mummy.

Thursday 19 September 2024

Tome Thursday: Going Ghost

Hello everyone!
Welcome to tonight's book of choice.
I was honestly going to pick something else - a fanfiction, actually, which I hadn't read in years and forgotten just how GOOD these used to be - but then ended up finishing this book instead, so I figured, why not feature it?
It's exactly my kind of thing.
It's got a compelling heroine, a cute doggo (you ALWAYS want to read books that have cute pets involved!), a backstory that you want to keep reading about, a murder mystery that just so happens to fall into the heroine's lap, and a ghost running around who's gallant and a gentleman.
And oh, someone with green eyes that's NOT a ghost but keeps popping around the town of Salem, Massachusetts.  

I mean, what's not to like, am I right?

So here we go. This is the first in a very new series, and I'm definitely going to be picking up further books, just because. But we're starting with Going Ghost.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Talkie Tuesday: Howl's Moving Castle


"The best blaze burns the brightest in adversity."

Hello everyone!
Welcome to a slightly different choice of movie for tonight. 
Different, as in, I haven't watched anything animated and of the Asian variety in literal DECADES. I think the last time was during my college years, and that had been purely because my then-boyfriend and his best friend really enjoyed animes.
Recently, however, I've been into browsing Netflix a little bit more, and landed on this thing completely by accident.
See, I'd watched another Japanese animated story previously - and loved it, I'll put a review on here eventually! - so then the streamer started suggesting things to me.
One of them was tonight's choice.
I was hooked by the premise as well as the artwork, and then turns out it was Studio Ghibli that was involved in the making of it. Sign me right up!
Which means we all have to fasten our seatbelts, because we're lumbering along in Howl's Moving Castle.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Tome Thursday: Seduction Under the Southern Stars

Hello everyone!
And for once, welcome to a post in which we are NOT going to India.
I suppose you're all thankful in some aspects LOL, or maybe you'll be back and can't wait for more Bollywood.
Either way, tonight's choice is something else entirely.
Aka, it's by my favourite contemporary romance author of all times.
I'm not just saying that either - I've pretty much read ALL her books at this point (except, I believe, her Brides series, because I think that one was released solely on KU, which I sadly don't have), and I plan on reading the rest as she keeps publishing them.
Some authors are just worth sticking with!
Serenity Woods is definitely one of them, and her newest series has just launched - well, her newest trilogy I should say.
And it all begins with Seduction Under the Southern Stars.