Thursday, 9 January 2025

Tome Thursday: Obsession Under the Southern Stars

Hello everyone!
We're well underway into 2025 now, and I feel as though I have a pretty good grasp on how this year is going to unfold (spoiler alert: it's going to be busy, LOL), which hopefully means that everyone else is settling into their paces as well.

This ALSO means that, considering I'm now out of my Christmas blogging, I can focus on all the stuff that I had to push to the side while that was happening, and catch up with all that I read prior to December hitting with full force.

And it gives me the perfect excuse to start the yearly book blogs with my favourite contemporary romance author, Serenity Woods.

Not only is she a fantastic writer, but she's also just a lovely person in general, so if you ever get the chance to read any of her books, give them a go! She writes strong heroines who nevertheless don't act like witches (another word rhymes with this one ...) and heroes who sweep them off their feet, but who always brighten your day and don't just flash their money and expect things to be solved.

Tonight we're continuing with her Southern Stars series, the end of which is coming sometime in the beginning of this year, and I'm excited! But first, the bridge book if you will, the second of the lot leading the way to the finale, Obsession Under the Southern Stars.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Talkie Tuesday: Gladiator


"Are you not entertained?"

Hello everyone!
I hope you said goodbye to the last one in good spirits, and that you're ready to take on all new challenges in this brand sparkly new one.
At least, I'm telling myself that. As well as trying to set reachable goals that won't break my spirit if I can't manage to achieve them! I've learned (a little bit the hard way) that I need to set more short-term ones, smaller ones, than try for the big guns all blazing because I'm less likely to be disappointed this way.
Or, well, that's my take on it!
Anyway, back to the show, which is to say, back to the regular reviews that have nothing to do with the holidays.
And I decided to start it off with a right banger.
So strap on your armour and hold on to your butts, because we're headed back to Ancient Rome, baby. It's time for Gladiator!

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Tome Thursday: One Night Before Christmas

Hello everyone!
Merry Christmas and warmest wishes for the holidays for you and yours, and hopefully you've spent these past two days or so with the people you love the most, doing all the things that make life with them special.
If nothing else, despite their occasional cheesiness, holidays usually remind us that we should sometimes slow down and stop, to just EXIST for a heartbeat or two.
I know I'm definitely guilty of running around like the world is ending tomorrow, so these two days have been a godsend!
Now back to the bookish business.
As you know by now, Serenity Woods is my go-to contemporary romance writer, and in fact, I've actually been SLACKING because I haven't done my usual holiday reads of hers this year yet.
Shame on my family and my cow!
I'll be working on that, and in the mean time, I invite you to enjoy her latest holiday release, aptly titled One Night Before Christmas.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Talkie Tuesday: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer


"Everyone has a light that shines from within - but only a lucky few 

can make their light shine bright enough for the whole world to see."

Hello everyone!
Are you excited for what Santa might bring you tomorrow morning?
Yes, yes, obviously I know what's what and who's not real but, the magic of Christmas DOES seem to be particularly strong when it boils down to the actual evening and then day afterwards of the time allotted. 
I have to work until 5 pm today (luckily, our shift is shortened!) so I won't be participating in any shenanigans until I get home afterwards, but I honestly can't wait to just sit back, stretch my legs out, and not have to worry about a single thing.
Which means that I'm going to be just like the reindeer who pull Santa's sleigh, since they really only work one night per year for AMAZING benefits LOL.
Tonight's movie choice is all about that, or at the very least all about life up at the North Pole where Santa and his wife rule, and where a lonely reindeer buck with a red nose is the hot topic for discussion from the moment he's born.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, read on: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer flies straight into Christmas next!

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Tome Thursday: A Baby for Christmas

Hello everyone!
Welcome to tonight's choice of book review which, I'll be honest, I was skeptical about going in.
Then again, it's been a while since I could read a holiday-themed romance and feel like it actually hit all the right beats, you get what I'm saying?
But this one was good.
Actually, this one was kind of GOLD, rather than just good.
Which means my hope in all of these has been restored, at least for the time being!
So make sure you've got your favourite drink and/or snack ready, cozy up under a fluffy blanket in your favourite reading spot, and pick this one up so you can bring some holiday cheer into your life.
Even if only for a moment.
Because nothing says Christmas more than a couple lonely hearts finding their happily ever after, like in A Baby for Christmas.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Talkie Tuesday: Ice Age Mammoth Christmas


"Just believe in the magic of Christmas."

Hello everyone!
Welcome back.
Tonight, we're taking a look at an oldie that's really turned into a goldie, mostly because I've loved the Ice Age movies from the second the first one aired - I might do a full review of the entire series on here at some point, because why not?
When you've got a mammoth, a saber tooth tiger, and a sloth bopping around together, there's bound to be some sort of comedy gold happening then and there!
And then of course, the studio that made these movies decided they should also ensure the chaotic chosen family got to celebrate Christmas together.
Thus, the subject of tonight's blog post was born.
If you're thinking what I'm thinking, then you're thinking right - obviously we have to check it out, and the good news is, is that it's only about twenty minutes to half an hour long.
So get those quick snacks, because A Mammoth Christmas is flying by!

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Tome Thursday: Hercule Poirot's Christmas

Hello everyone!
This week's book is just a little bit different in the sense that it's not all happy-go-lucky, merry, or bright. Well, some of it certainly is, but for the most part ... not really.
Obviously you can have all the sweetness and Christmas-y adorable feelings whenever you pick a book up, but every once in a while there can also be another thing happening, and it's kind of fun to deviate a little.
Plus, I'm a huge Agatha Christie fan, so naturally I'll try and sneak in one of her books if I possibly can along the way.

It doesn't help that watching His Dark Materials and hearing David Suchet's voice as he portrays one of the daemons is one of the best things that's happened in a while, because honestly, I LOVE this man, and his portrayal of Hercule Poirot is probably one that will last for all time.
The fact remains there is only one REALLY good Belgian detective.
And he also had an interesting Christmas a couple of times.
Hercule Poirot's Christmas covers just one of those adventures.