Hello everyone!
Merry Christmas and warmest wishes for the holidays for you and yours, and hopefully you've spent these past two days or so with the people you love the most, doing all the things that make life with them special.
If nothing else, despite their occasional cheesiness, holidays usually remind us that we should sometimes slow down and stop, to just EXIST for a heartbeat or two.
I know I'm definitely guilty of running around like the world is ending tomorrow, so these two days have been a godsend!
Now back to the bookish business.
As you know by now, Serenity Woods is my go-to contemporary romance writer, and in fact, I've actually been SLACKING because I haven't done my usual holiday reads of hers this year yet.
Shame on my family and my cow!
I'll be working on that, and in the mean time, I invite you to enjoy her latest holiday release, aptly titled One Night Before Christmas.