Thursday 5 September 2024

Tome Thursday: Fated Salvation

Hello everyone!
And welcome back one last time to this trilogy.
I say 'this' because, I'm fairly sure that Ms Hefner isn't going to leave us hanging, but she'll make certain that she returns to writing dystopia which she does SO amazingly well.
As I've said before, I couldn't for the life of me get into the vampire stories she writes for some odd reason, because I do enjoy her writing style. But these, her dystopian trilogies? Oh sign me UP and sign me up AGAIN.
I'm actually kind of sad that this one's now over, it's a rather unique take and could really be pulled right out from our own world somehow, as well.
But enough about me and my mind processes.
We need to figure out whether the world as we know it is actually saved, or if it falls to the hands of an evil dictator.
Fated Salvation solves all those mysteries, and leaves us thirsty for more!
Links to previous related works can be found at the bottom of the page, as per usual!
So we know from the ending of the second book that Grace, the female main character of this book, is actually the leader of the rebellion against Luthor Cromwell, the dictator who wants everyone to thank him for destroying the world because he gave them a drug that makes them horribly addicted, and only he has the antidote that then helps you live forever.
See, he's actually SUCH a nice benefactor, letting them all live in his world! Don't you know it?
Har, har, says every dictator before him ever.
Now, our morally grey Tristan, the male main character, decides he has no choice but to work closely with Grace and connect her with Dani & Co so they can take down Luthor and finally try to rebuild the world, since Dani figured out the antidote to the drug, one that's actually effective in getting you clean and healthy.
The problem here is that Grace and Tristan used to be married, back in the day.
This was back when both were young, she was her rich daddy's little princess, and Tristan worked security for the guy, but he intrigued her enough that she went looking, so of course they tangled together.
Also of course, daddy didn't like him and blacklisted him from working anywhere in the country, which honestly is such an idiotic thing to do. Why not let the man prove himself instead?
Anyway, they eventually filed for divorce after things went terribly south: Tristan was on a mission overseas while Grace was pregnant with their daughter, and Luthor killed her father to take over his company to be able to push illegal drugs out onto market faster.
This also, unfortunately, triggered a miscarriage, so as you can see, the devil literally had a ball in this situation.
Now back in close proximity and unable to keep their hands off each other, as well as with the final showdown with Luthor approaching, Grace comes clean about a secret she's been keeping for about ten years: it wasn't actually a miscarriage. 

I won't go into the logistics of whether or not it's possible for a baby that's only about four or five months in the womb to survive this, as it's a dystopian future novel, duh, but suffice to say Tristan is RIP SHIT PISSED.

He's lost a decade with his daughter, who's been living way out there, far from the infected cities, and has no clue about him or Grace for her own safety.

Still, what's done is done at the moment, as they all converge together to group up with Dani, Arianna, Maverick and Dom, and they forge a plan of attack on DC using the Potomac river.

Naturally things don't go ENTIRELY smoothly, but since Ari and Dom have informants inside the wall and they've gone ahead to scout, they can figure some things out, and land in one of Luthor's safety bunkers where he's actually waiting for them.

I swear these evil dictators really think they're the next best thing since sliced bread, since he doesn't even consider the possibility of losing.

Which, of course he does. Tristan shoots him point-blank, dead.

With one of the rebellion leaders inaugurated as president, Dani's trial for her crimes against humanity (aka, remember she was the one who made the immortality drug in the first place?) a success in that she'll spend the rest of her life researching cures for deadly diseases, Ari and Dom having a baby girl, and Grace and Tristan finally tying the knot (again!), life seems to be back to normal with the world coming to terms with everything.

Except ... the new president has a secret stash of some of the stuff he ordered destroyed, like the immortality and super soldier drug (think Captain America).

Just in case.


That's a wrap, boys and girls! And whew, what a good one, too.

Ms Hefner continues to impress with her dystopian books; like I said, I unfortunately couldn't get into her vampire ones, but the previous trilogy and this one? I signed up so fast I left skid marks.

I feel so privileged to have been witness to the journey these characters went on, the story the author wove, and its conclusion. I liked Tristan from the moment he appeared - he's MY kind of moral grey (actually lawful good) character - so seeing him in the past and comparing him to the soldier of today was an experience I'll treasure. He's quicker to forgive than I am, that's for sure too!

I can't put my finger on Grace to find the pulse there which would give me a good connection, however, I can attest that she's written VERY well and believably so, a woman of hopes, fears and determined wit after anyone's heart. No wonder Tristan fell for her, honestly.

It was great catching up with Dani and Arianna too, and there's SO many revelations in this book that'll keep you on your toes through to the end.

And that ending!! My breath froze. So brilliant, so possibly heartbreaking. Love it!

All in all, Ms Hefner did not disappoint with the final entry of this trilogy, and dystopian romance really does remain her strongest point, imo. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for more from her, and if you haven't read The Sendaxa Chronicles yet - what ARE you waiting for? The writing flows beautifully, the characters are awesome, and it's time to save the world. What's not to like?

10/10 recommend.

*image not mine

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