Thursday 12 December 2019

Tome Thursday: If Kisses Were Snowflakes

Hello everyone!

Today has been a rather busy day for me, but that said, I've been looking forward to sitting down and typing up this blog post, because it features one of my favourite books.

I think you may be sensing a trend here.

I don't believe I've ever run into more than one or two books written by Serenity Woods that I didn't like - and even then, it wasn't that I really didn't like them, I just didn't connect well enough with a character so I felt out of whack with the entire thing, and therefore missed the experience.

But ALL of her books are guaranteed to make you smile. Scout's honour!

I've been on a Woods reading binge ever since December began, going through her Three Wise Men series (I still have to read Matt's book one more time) and generally just picking up her Christmas-y titles.

This one is DEFINITELY one of those, because believe it or not, it's part of her Christmas Wishes book series, a set of standalone books that are all set in Christmas time.

As they say, If Kisses Were Snowflakes - I'd send you a snowstorm.

I'll be linking two other books from the series down below, because I've been working my way through them on this blog. I might get one more done before the year is out, depending, I haven't actually taken a good look at how many more Thursdays there are, BUT, eventually, I plan on collecting the lot.

It's like Pokemon, but with books!


If Kisses Were Snowflakes is a bit different, much like Holly's First Noel, because they don't take place in New Zealand, the traditional setting for Ms Woods' stories. This one happens in Lindisfarne, Northumbria, and that just adds a different kind of flare to the entire story.


Well, if you haven't watched any season of Vikings, let me tell you that the Vikings raided that little island and made off with a whole lot of treasure from the sacred spaces there.

Ragnar Lothbrook, nobody can raid like you do.

So the story goes like this: Angel, someone deeply passionate about the Viking invasions, burial sites, the whole lot, is unhappy with her current job and has had a rough year behind her. She suffers from depression, something that stems from the fact that her father passed away just before Christmas when she was very young, and her depression also featured a major role in the break-up with her boyfriend. 

Sadly, when her boyfriend DID break up with her, Angel tried to take her own life.

Since then, she's doing much better, speaking to a therapist, and working on herself, and she wants to spend Christmas on her own, to prove she can do it, and also to just have some time to herself without anyone hovering over her.

She's doing a fine enough job, until she ignores warnings about the tide on her way to Lindisfarne, and ends up stranded in a refuge box, in the dead of winter.

Enter Ragnar.

Er, Halvar Carlson.

Hal is a native of Lindisfarne who works on projects like old burial and build sites, providing architectural information and sketches, detailed maps and photographs, and other general information for the public. He's also almost divorced, has two children with his ex-wife, and said ex-wife hooked up with his boss while they were still married ... now his boss just won't let him catch a break.

Still, he needs the job he currently has, so he doesn't complain TOO much (even if he totally should have, and in all honesty, for any woman out there who wants to lord it over their ex with their current beau ... not cool, especially when your children suffer as a consequence; the ex should have put her foot down about it). Thankfully, he's late going home the evening Angel gets caught out by the tide, and he takes her to his cottage to defrost her.

No, literally. She's a half an inch away from hypothermia.

His two kids are interested, and kind, and Angel slowly thaws, both from their care and from the fact that she's immediately attracted to Hal.

She doesn't act on it though, and is more than happy to go her merry way once she's feeling well enough, but Hal likes her, too, so he and the kids (who he has until Christmas) try to draw her with them into activities and Christmas fun.

How could she refuse?

She doesn't, and it quickly becomes obvious the attraction that's on both sides might bring some Christmas wishes true.

Now if only the ex would stop nagging.

See, while Hal and Angel are getting along splendidly (doesn't matter that she's older than him by a few years, really), Hal asks his ex to have the kids a day or so longer so that he can spend more time with Angel before she leaves after New Year's. This unleashes a flood of unpleasantness from the ex, from her begging Hal to take her back (say what now?) to outright calling Angel and threatening her.

Once Hal DOES pick up the kids, he realizes that things between the two lovers are apparently slightly on the rocks, potentially because his ex doesn't have the big budget to spend that she might have wished for, but he certainly isn't taking her back. 

And, also, considering that she's still living in THEIR old home, contributing NOTHING to the credit card bills, AND has Hal pay for the house without her new beau adding a dime, it's safe to say the courts would probably rule in Hal's favour if he pushed for full custody of the kids.

He's definitely tempted, all things considered, especially because he and Angel have decided to give it a go, giving it a month of her going back home and seeing if they could potentially have more than a fling on their hands. They'll also try and see if they can maybe start their own business, The Viking and the Shieldmaiden, both to offer project work on burial sites and other historical intricacies in the area, and an online podcast accompanied by videos and material for teachers to use in school.

Naturally, Angel and Hal can't seem to stay away from each other, and they decide that Angel will move to Lindisfarne to live with him and start on this new dream of theirs. They both know it won't be super easy, but both of them are prepared for a good, strong relationship.

The kids are on board, too, and so is the ex, who finally gives in, graciously enough, considering she was like a dog in a manger through most of the book!

And there you go.

No stranger to difficult themes, this book covers both depression and suicide attempts, as well as difficulties spouses face when they decide to go separate ways. Of course it also has a lot of sexy times that should help lift your mood quite a bit, but I really enjoyed it because of its poignant messages.

Angel might not have considered herself a shieldmaiden all the time, but she definitely was one to me, and I'm sure to many other readers as well.

Hal? Well, who doesn't need a Ragnar Lothbrok in their lives, right?

*image not mine

While we're talking about places and New Zealand, special thoughts and prayers are welcome for the country. The volcano that recently erupted is still too active for comfort, and there are very few survivors of the initial eruption. 
Kia kaha, Aotearoa!

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