Saturday 11 March 2017

Saturday Talkie Tuesday: Shadowhunters 2A

"This is the hunt."

Hello everyone! 

So this week, admittedly, has not been the best in terms of what I'm doing on my blog and which posts I'm typing up for anyone who's reading this. I do apologise. I promise, this Tuesday is going to be back to normal with the review when it's supposed to be, although if it's true and there's a musical cross-over happening between Supergirl and The Flash, I may just have to review that one instead of a movie!

But I digress.

What happened this week was that Shadowhunters had its winter finale and OH MY GOSH everyone, but can I just say how amazing this show is?!

I never would have imagined it after a slightly rocky start in season one, but they're firing on all cilinders now and the only bad thing about it that I can think of is, well, that it's been broken up into two halves.

Season 2A has just finished, but we aren't getting to see 2B before JUNE.

That's right, JUNE. So, let's review what we know of Shadowhunters so far, okay?

Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments is this season's title, and to recap what happened in season one: we find out that there is much more going on in the world than just humans, because there's demons, werewolves, warlocks, vampires, even Fae running around.

And policing the lot of them are Shadowhunters, who are humans with angelic blood and who are a step above humans in almost every way.

We get to meet our protagonists, Clary Fray, Jace Wayland, Alec and Isabelle Lightwood, Simon, Luke, Magnus Bane, etc.

The first season dealt mostly with Clary's mother's abduction by her ex-husband, Valentine, and Clary's search for her and for the Mortal Cup that could potentially destroy the Downworlders (werewolves and the like) if used incorrectly, aka by making more Shadowhunters to kill them off.

But season two spiked up the tensions even further.

I'm going to describe what happened going by character as opposed to trying to recap all the ten episodes briefly, because I think this might be more cohesive.

Clary has gone through the ringer in season one and managed to lose Jace who has gone with Valentine to protect the lot of them, under the assumption that he is Valentine's son and therefore Clary's brother (hello, incest!). But it gets even worse for her when a demon Valentine unleashes in the Institute kills her mother, sending her into the arms of a warlock who exacts a blood oath from her which almost kills her later. What we do learn, however, is that Clary harbours some feelings for Simon (who from season one has become a vampire), and that she has pure angelic blood in her, blood that Valentine got from a captive angel, Ithuriel, and Ithuriel is sending her visions of runes that she creates which no one else knows. By the end of 2A, Clary's father is under lock and key, but the Soul Sword, another Mortal Instrument, is nowhere to be seen.

Jace, our anti-hero in a way, learns a lot this season. Not only does he initially think he has demon blood in him from Valentine's experiments, but he also gets kicked out of the Institute and manages to get into brawls everywhere he turns. Luckily, he's a good fighter and a loyal friend, which means that when things start to go south with the Shadowhunters, he's right there to kick ass and make sure Valentine's plans are thwarted. In the end, he's also told that he is not, in fact, Valentine's son or Clary's brother, and that he, too, has pure angelic blood in him, as he's the one to activate the Soul Sword without really trying to (actually, he was trying to stop it). He also feeds Simon some of his blood, turning him into a Daylighter, aka a vampire able to walk in sunlight. But he can't be with Clary yet because she and Simon are still a thing.

Isabelle Lightwood has a darker story arc this season, going down the road of addiction to try and shortcut an injury and ending up in the thralls of yin fen, which later sends her into the arms of Raphael, who is the leader of the most powerful vampire coven in New York. Whether or not Raphael's feelings for her are true or if he's only high on Shadowhunter blood remains to be seen.

Alec Lightwood has a lighter arc than his sister. In season one he finally came out as gay to the people around him, and started a relationship with one Magnus Bane, but this is off to a rocky start because Alec has never actually BEEN in a relationship before, and his sometimes stiff personality gets in the way of sharing his feelings with Magnus. At the very least, however, he has managed to get past his infatuation with Jace, because he tells his boyfriend that he loves him by the end of season 2A. Also, just watching him gain confidence in himself and his own feelings was magical.

Simon Lewis has an interesting story arc. Killed in season one and brought back as a vampire, he now needs to deal with this aspect seeing as his mother and sister don't have a clue, and his mother freaks out once she figures it out, causing him to compel her (encanto her, or whatever). Raphael manages to smooth things over, but Simon is now in his clutches. Thankfully, Magnus is there to help both the vampires as much as he can, and he and Simon form an unlikely bond. Testing the waters with werewolf Maia, Simon eventually confesses his feelings for Clary, and is currently incredibly happy with her, and with his new status as Daylighter.

Luke Garroway is a detective and Alpha of the werewolf pack, but his emotions and his perceptive gets skewered after Jocelyn's death. He had loved Jocelyn for years, after all. However, Simon and Maia bring him back and they manage to try and stop Valentine from killing Downworlders using the Soul Sword. His sister, Cleophas, is an Iron Sister and former Circle member, who eventually repents and helps them because of Ithuriel. Luke remains a father figure to Clary although he sometimes wants to protect her more than he wants to enable her to figure things out for herself.

In other news, the Institute was in a bit of upheaval, and it didn't help that the Lightwoods, who used to run it, had to cede the rule to Victor Aldertree (who got Isabelle onto yin fen), although this once again changes after Valentine attacks the Institute proper.

As for the Downworld, everyone and their mother want Clary dead once they learn she can activate the Soul Sword (which could kill them all, easily), but generally speaking when they're not mortally afraid for their lives, they all seem to want to help our young Shadowhunters if bargained with correctly and with the right amount of leverage.

Also, seeing Magnus throw a party is enough of an excuse to watch any episode of the show.

So that's it for 2A! I can't wait to see what'll happen in 2B. Valentine's locked up, sure, but someone else took off with the Soul Sword, and I have my bets about it, but I'll wait and see who it's revealed to be. And as much as I like Simon, I'm more of a Clace girl than I am a Climon one.

But I am Malec all the way.

*images and video not mine

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