Thursday 23 May 2024

Tome Thursday: Gift of Snow

Hello everyone!
And welcome to what I conveniently call the mix-up.
See, I was SUPPOSED to work on this particular review last week, because that's just how the schedule was set up, and somehow managed to switch it with Serenity Woods' story instead.
Never fear, however.
I always make sure to review EVERYTHING I read (or, basically everything).
So here we are to finish off a series that I started reading ... oh gosh, when was it? A while ago at this point, but that doesn't much matter because the important thing is we made it. This is the end! The final book to show us exactly who, what, and where, and give us a little bit of insight into some of the characters we see during the main storyline in the big five books.
Ah, another thing to explain. I'll be brief, but let's just jump in, shall we?
Gift of Snow is calling.
Links to previous related posts can be found at the bottom of the page, as per usual!
Now to start off with what I just said: there's six books in the main Elemental Bloodlines storyline, with two prequel novellas, however, I'd characterize this sixth one as falling into the category with the other two short stories, as well, and here's why.
Gift of Air, Gift of Light and now Gift of Snow all cover a vastly different timeline from Gift of Fire, Gift of Stone, Gift of Darkness, Gift of Water and Gift of Wind. The others happen in modern-day Germany, while these three take place either around the 18th century, or around the time of WWII, which is quite the time jump!
So I'd advise you to take Light, Air and Snow (in the order I just listed them) and consider them as a parallel-running storyline, while Fire, Stone, Darkness, Water and Wind are the main branch.
Allons-y then!
Gift of Snow is the story of Ilsa's friend Nelke (yes, Ilsa of Air fame), and how she leaves her hometown to visit with her uncle, study to become a secretary, and take care of herself without needing a man in her life to do so.
Of course, within almost twenty seconds after arrival, she meets her handsome neighbour Tobias, who just so happens to be an elemental mage himself, so you know how THAT resolution is going to go haha!
But there are bigger issues at play here than their love story (as sweet as it is).
Namely, that the Keyholder of the city is making a big propaganda move to up their community's numbers, putting pressure on unmarried girls to tie the knot and pop out babies as their duty to their elders and city.
Nelke's in danger of being swept up right into that scheme, and it IS a scheme, as revealed later when it's described similarly as Hitler's brothels where blonde women slept with blonde men to give him the perfect Aryan child: here, witches are housed on an estate and encouraged to take "visitors" so they can get pregnant and basically serve as brood mares.
Nelke wants no part of this, and actually thinks it's rather sick, urging her uncle (a member of the city council) to do something about it. When he doesn't do something immediately, she and Tobias then join forces with one of the Keyholder's daughters, who wants no part in her father's schemes, and try to figure out just what goes on during these recruitment meetings for the girls, among other things.
It's during all of this that they fall in love, and Tobias performs the heart-spell on Nelke, thus weaving it in protection as it belongs wholly to him.
Or so they think.
Because just as everything seems to be coming up roses, tragedy strikes: the city's Lady, the Keyholder's wife and prime authority, dies under suspicious circumstances. The spirit giving her both power and said authority then passes on to the next eligible maiden it senses, unwed and untried: in this case, Nelke.
The catch? Said spirit is beholden to the Keyholder, who at this point is still the idiot wanting to procreate to assure his position in the community.
With that said, Nelke and Tobias seek the help of the wise crone helping Ilsa prepare for the birth of her first child, and eventually end up at the castle of the Black Priests, there to speak with Konstantin (he of Gift of Light fame). They want to know if there's any way to break the spirit's hold on Nelke, but unfortunately even the priest serving a demon can do nothing there.
He can, however, offer other suggestions.
They settle on taking the Keyholder out of the equation entirely, and set a trap for him during a party where THANKFULLY Tobias doesn't have to be the one to do the deed, and Konstantin arrives to rescue Nelke before that ridiculous spirit inside her makes her yield to the Keyholder.
With that, Tobias takes over the role and the two of them marry; the story concludes with Helena coming to say goodbye a few years later, saying she and Konstantin are headed ... someplace else. Where that is, or when even, I have no clue, but I'm HOPEFUL we get to see more of them in the future!
Either way, all's well that ends well, and we know the corruption and dissent has mostly been uprooted in the main storyline too (also to watch is a secondary story of Nelke's uncle, his male lover, and the woman they bring into the fold as the third to their little family), so huzzah!
Nelke and Tobias are another heartwarming couple, although I'll admit that the heroine seemed a little wishy-washy at times, blurting things out when she shouldn't have, or agreeing to something and then balking at the last minute. Still, at the very least she IS consistent in that this is a trait of her character and not just something that happens accidentally, which I can appreciate.

The story sets her up for a position from which she can neatly help others, which I LOVE. And I love how, through love with Tobias, she finds her footing and her space. The same for her priestly master, who I honestly adored.

All in all, I've LOVED my sojourn in the land of Teutonica, and as this was my introduction to it, I'll now be digging my way through Swanie and Augustine's story.

As well as waiting patiently to hear more about where Helena and Konstantin went off to, and what other mysteries the Black Priests will be dealing with!

100/10 recommend this series to anyone looking for a unique take on magic!
*image not mine
Gift of Light - Air
Gift of Fire - Stone - Darkness - Water - Wind

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