Thursday 15 November 2018

Tome Thursday: 9 From the Nine Worlds

Hello everyone!

I'm back with another Rick Riordan book review, because, well, I really enjoy reading his books.

Some people argue that he's beginning to repeat himself and that Percy Jackson was the best book series he pushed out, but I disagree.

I think the humour remains just the same, you just have to be willing to absorb and accept it!

And of course, you really need to be prepared for just about anything. So far as that goes, we've seen freak griffins, talking rivers, ships built out of fingernails, and of course there are the gods that keep popping up all over the place.

You'd think they'd have something better to do than bothering us mortals, but nope.

Especially if it means getting us into all sorts of trouble and mischief. Including waging war against other gods or, you know, accusing us of stealing some of their priceless artifacts.

9 From the Nine Worlds delivers just what you want, if you're open to receiving it.

The book is, of course, divided into nine sections that describe the nine stories which took place. Suffice to say, however, that when you read the sentence "While Magnus Chase is away visiting his cousin ..." you think to yourself: oh this is NOT going to end well. 

Especially if, say, Thor is also jogging across the nine worlds ...

ASGARD; in which we get a by-seat to the All-Father himself as Odin tries to restore order among his Valkyres, not that it's working, and so by the end of it he transforms himself into one of his own warriors so that he can judge who will lead them. Also, he wants to know what in the name of himself Heimdall is watching on Youtube.

Thor level: squatting, farting, and warming up for the jog.

MIDGARD; in which we  get an update from Amir, one fiancé of Samirah, who almost ends up dead by too tight trousers that spew money all over the place when he visits Blitzen's store and gets, well, napped. Luckily for him, Alex Fierro is on the job and rescues him from his would-be master - and the unflattering pair of pants.

Thor level: jogging shirtless through Boston in shorty-shorts.

NIDAVELLIR; in which Blitzen the fashionable one is picking up supplies from his apartment, running from an old geezer in a wheelchair, and ends up having to save none other but the God of Thunder from a nasty, revenge-crazy enemy. And while he's at it he remains fashionably dressed AND probably on the best of terms with any and all mafioso floating heads.

Thor level: almost getting decapitated, still in shorty-shorts.

ALFHEIM; in which Hearthstone plays knight in shining, er, red-white scarf, and goes to rescue his secret crush from being once again pressed into home service by some of the unscrupulous Light Elves. Trust me, you do NOT want to be on their party lists. He has to fight a troll to do so, but since he's quite profficient with magic, he manages alright. Meanwhile I'm thinking about the troll scene from Philospher's stone.

Thor level: adding biceps curls to the workout.

JOTUNHEIM; in which Samirah has to go check up on an egg which, when hatched, will release one of the doomsday eagles. Naturally, Samirah is NOT happy about this, especially since it's in giant land and she needs to lure the watchful giant away. She DOES end up finishing the mission, and gets a nice selfie to prove it, too.

Thor level: dragging a tree and golden harp behind, followed by a giant.

HELHEIM; in which T. J. deals with a helhound in Helheim and manages NOT to get eaten by the dog. We also see a snapshot of Balder, who everybody loved but who got murdered anyway. Nice to live in a godly family, right?

Thor level: still jogging, chased by a happy helpooch.

NIFLHEIM; in which Mallory has to teach a dragon some insults and makes sure a giant squirrel doesn't eat her on a glacier. I know, I couldn't make this stuff up if I TRIED, but hey, this is why we read Riordan's work. And for the cookies. All about the cookies.

Thor level: farting through the ice.

VANAHEIM; in which Halfborn, who is a Berserker for real, has to go and kill some pet dinosaurs kept in the peaceful realm of hippie dead. I mean this. He's only doing it for his girlfriend Mallory though, but I suppose that's understandable. The guy IS in love, after all.

Thor level: kicking awake millenia-sleeping dragons.

MUSPELLHEIM; in which Alex Fierro prevents a plot from old Surt, who's STILL sour about his nose getting chopped off way back when. And he wants to get his hold on all the Nine Worlds and stuff. You know, the usual drill. It's a good thing Alex knows EXACTLY what to say to send all the other would-be rebels running. Also, the friends all make sure to come help when they can.

Thor level: ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-LAVA!!!!!

Bonus level: needing to do it all again because you forgot to turn on your Fitness Step Counter.


*image not mine

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