Tuesday 13 January 2015

Talkie Tuesday: Outlander (Starz)

Hello everyone!

So, really, talkie covers movies I guess in terms of word definition, BUT, I'm currently a little bit side-tracked (and distracted) by the TV show Outlander. I honestly didn't even know about it until sometime in ... what was it, November? December 2014? In any event, I had heard passing mention about the books (written by Diana Gabaldon), and that was earlier, which led me to make a mental note for myself to check them out at some point. Since this blog is about the show, I'll leave the books for a later one (maybe this Thursday, who knows?). In any event, I did end up finding the electronic versions of the books, although I'm now debating buying the first one, at least, in paperback. But then I thought I wouldn't watch the show because, really, a lot of the time these transitions aren't that good. 

Then I accidentally saw Sam Heughan in a trailer (I think it was a trailer) and all of a sudden, I absolutely HAD to see this show.

Okay, I'll admit, I was hooked, first and foremost, on Sam's portrayal of Jamie Fraser. Because, let's be practical and honest with each other, the majority of the female population who watch Outlander probably watch it for him. And who can blame them? The man definitely looks the part of a Highlander ... and what's more, he brings Jamie to life in such a way that it's like the man walked out of the pages of the book and now towers over everyone else. King of Men, indeed!

Back to the show, I'm thoroughly impressed with Catriona Balfe's portrayal of Claire as well, and she and Sam provide a stunning visual companion to the couple who came to life tweny years ago in Gabaldon's mind. Talk about a time-jump!

And then there's Scotland itself, where the show is filmed, and the supporting characters, one of them being none other than Graham McTavish, or more commonly known around Hobbit fandom as Dwalin, who honestly makes me laugh just by appearing on screen. He has the presence, and he also puts Dougal in everyone's mind just by arching an eyebrow or marching towards you (not kidding on that one, check this out and tell me if you're not afraid! Dougal is a total bad-ass.

Copyright to Outlander Community

The show follows the book closely; Claire Randall is an army nurse who, right after the end of World War II travels to Scotland with her husband, Frank, on a sort of second honeymoon ... and ends up falling through a time portal (aka standing stones circle, think Stonehenge) which lands her in Scotland, 18th century Scotland that is. There, she is accosted by Frank's sinister ancestor Black Jack Randall, rescued by a band of Scots, and taken to Castle Leoch as their guest (read: prisoner until they can figure out what to do with her). In the process of implementing her healing knowledge and trying to escape, Claire managed to make both friends and enemies, and most importantly, she grows quite close to young Jamie (I think if I remember right, he's about 23 in the first novel, and Claire is 28 or 29 at that time). And then Randall threatens to have her questioned (*cough*beaten*cough*) if she doesn't tell him all about Dougal raising money for Bonnie Prince Charlie, which prompts Dougal to drastic measures. Result: Jamie and Claire are married, to make her a Scot, although Dougal does lose any chance of ever growing hair back onto his head (Direct quote: It'd be easier if I just killed you both!). But we do get to see a very shy, very endearing side of Jamie (since the lad IS a virgin, after all), and a very genuine connection that begins to form between the two unlikely lovers.

Copyright to Outlander Community

Screencap is mine

Oh, and also, there's physical attraction. A lot of it.

The first half of the season ended with Claire being held at knife-point by Randall (who really doesn't know how and when to give up), Frank giving up hope of ever finding his wife again, and Jamie pointing a rifle at the red-coat captain.

Honourable mention: Tobias Menzies, who shot from the Red Wedding to a red coat with a bang!

And we can't wait for April 4th!

Copyright to Outlander Community


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